Black Sunset

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It seems like it was yesterday
And twenty four hours from today
Will be three-six-five days since it happened.
All I've got to do is wait
For the black sunset
Then all of it will unfold
Before my eyes.

A black sunset comes
Before a golden morn.
The black sunset will come
Before I sit and mourn.
I've made a mistake, once, twice
Regret does not feel so nice.

It will take a black sunset
To realise how much I've lost
And how much he's paying back.
One-four-four-zero minutes
After the black sunset
Then I'll be there
Under the golden sun
Remembering everything as it was
When he was there
And there I was
Returning his smile.
T'was once a dream
T'is now a nightmare.

I'm here
Staring at the black skies
Remembering him
And everything we've been through
Awaiting the golden morn
With no special surprises for me, though.

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