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When the Author is choosing actors for her stories, both photos of Bver and Yin were presented but during that time Bver looks so young and still baby face, it could've been Bver who'll act as Vee, his credentials fits the character he's been a moon in their faculty, he is handsome and an Engineering student. But still he was chosen as James, Mark's best friend in the series.

As this was Bver's first time acting on a series he researched information about his co-stars he first searched for War as people said he's been long in the industry. Seeing the cute face of the older man Bver already took a liking on his P', and is now looking forward on meeting him personally, he believes that if he's cute in these pictures what more in personal.

This liking gets him the term a FAN while Yin gets the Term the FAEN (boyfriend)

Bver makes his way as War's ghost ship named BverWar, it started with this photo..

During the live reaction of En of Love, of a known YouTubers, War was seen kissing and hugging the Avocado plushie all through out the video

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During the live reaction of En of Love, of a known YouTubers, War was seen kissing and hugging the Avocado plushie all through out the video.

And when it's Bver with the other En Of Love actors turn Bver was seen doing thesame thing with thesame plushie, little did they know this ain't coincidence.  Bver saw the video cut of his P'War during the reaction with the plushie so he intend to get the plushie for himself.

The turning point of the BverWar ship, is during a show hosted by Yin himself were Bver,War with other two En Of Love Actors were his guest

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The turning point of the BverWar ship, is during a show hosted by Yin himself were Bver,War with other two En Of Love Actors were his guest.

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