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Requested by @bigfatwrinklebrain I hope you like it!


I was really excited when Ian asked me to be in summer games. I was less excited, however, when I found out I was on Mushroom Clout. Not that I don't like the people on my team, they're all great. It's just that there's one particular teammate of mine that I like... a lot. I kinda have a crush on Damien. I'm not even sure how it's started! It's just, I don't know, he's really cute, and sweet and-.

Sorry. I'm getting distracted. Anyway, I've managed to avoid it for a while now, but I don't know how I'll be able to for much longer. I mean, we filmed the first two competitions today and my heart rate rose exponentially every time he talked to me. Every time. For the whole day. In a situation where we had to talk to each other. Which, in case you're keeping count, is a lot of times. I swear to god, that boy is gonna make me have a heart attack. I really do want to tell him how I feel, but I'm too nervous, and I do like talking to him, but I'm pretty sure if I hang around him for too long, he'll find out. Basically, what I'm trying to say here is that I'm fucked.

"Are you okay, Kim-Kim? You've been acting so weird today." Courtney asks out of the blue, sitting down next to me on my bed in our hotel room.

"It's nothing. Just the heat, don't worry about it."

She tilts her head, concerned. "Are you sure? You seemed fine when we were hanging out with Mari and Olivia during lunch. And when you were talking to Noah. And Keith. And Laser. And Sarah, and Shayne, and Joven, and Ian and... well, now that I think about it you were only acting weird around-"

She gasps.

"Courtney, no. Whatever you're thinking, you need to stop it right now."

"Do you like Damien?" She asks, whisper-shouting.

I feel my face heat up, and that's enough of an answer for Courtney.

"Oh my god you do!" She exclaims with a squeal.

"Shhh. Keep your voice down!"

Suddenly we hear a loud banging noise from outside the door.

"Owwww. Sarah, what the hell?"

Courtney and I exchange a confused look, then she leaps up from her bed and swings the door open. Mari and Sarah are standing there, Mari jumping around clutching her foot, Sarah looking sheepish.

"Were you guys eavesdropping?" Courtney asks.

"No, we just, um, happened to walk by and, um, accidentally overheard your conversation," Mari says, avoiding Courtney's eyes.

Sarah nods a bit too enthusiastically.

I sigh. "What's next? Is Olivia hiding away, too?"

"No," Olivia's voice says from behind the wall.


"These walls are thin, I can't help it!"

In my peripheral vision, I see Courtney roll her eyes. "Just come in here!"

I hear footsteps from that room as Mari and Sarah sit down on the bed next to me.

"To be fair, the walls in our room are thin," Mari says with a shrug.

Olivia comes into the room, shuts the door behind her, and sits next to Courtney on her bed.

"So you like Damien?" Sarah asks, shimmying her shoulders.

"Yeah... you can't tell anybody, though."

"Too late, already told Laser and Joven," Mari says, putting her phone down.

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