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Hey y'all! I want to preface this by saying i've never been on a yacht before and idk how they work lol


"Listen, I really don't know if I'm gonna go, Jackie-"

"Courtney Ruth. Ian spent all this money to rent a yacht for the cast to have a fun time, and you might not even show up?!"

I sigh, just loudly enough for the phone speaker to pick it up.

"What's wrong?"

"Okay, so it's just that I don't know if it's good for me to spend too much time with Shayne. I mean, what if he realizes that I like him? What if I do something stupid?"

Now it's Jackie's turn to sigh.

"I get that you really like Shayne, god knows why, but are you seriously gonna let a boy ruin your fun?"

"Well, when you put it like that..."

"That's what I thought. Olivia's gonna pick you up at nine. All the girls are carpooling."

"Okay. Bye Jackie!"

"Bye, Court,"

She pauses.

"Not that it's any of my business, but I think Shayne might like you back."

And before I can respond, she hangs up.

Great. Now I have to overthink about that tonight.


I wake up bright and early the next day. I'm not one hundred percent sure where we're going, but I know it's on a yacht, so odds are it'll be decently far. I get ready a little faster than I normally would, since I need to pack a beach bag of some kind, and I just barely have all my stuff together when I get a 'here' text from Olivia. I grab my bag and head out the door, nearly forgetting to shut it on my way out.


When I see Olivia's car in the parking lot, I rush over to it and knock on the passenger side window, and Sarah rolls it down.

"Get in the back, it's yacht time, bitch." she says, the excitement evident in her face.

"Alright. Yacht time. Hell yeah!" I respond with a laugh.

I open the left side door and take a seat. I'm greeted by Kimmy, who's sitting next to me and Jackie, who's sitting next to her.

Olivia turns on the radio, and early 2000's pop hits start playing. We're all singing along, somehow managing to to maintain some conversations as well, we eventually get to our destination, and we all cheer.

"Whoo hoo! I'm gonna get day drunk! On a yacht!"

"Hell yeah!"

"Olivia, no-"


I'm in the middle of a goddamn lake, on a big ass boat, surrounded by all my friends, and I'm still thinking about Shayne. I should be having the time of my life. Instead, I'm over analyzing how we made eye contact ten minutes ago. I'm fucked.

It's a little past noon now, and I'm sitting on the inside part of the boat, watching everything outside from a window. Like a loser.

Keith, Noah, Damien, and Sarah are all swimming around or floating around in floaties, and Ian, Jackie, Kimmy, Shayne and Olivia are all hanging out on the deck and attempting to converse with the people swimming. Shayne is laughing at something Olivia said, an adorable grin spreading across his face. And now I'm thinking about his face. And mouth. And his mouth on my mouth. I feel my mind start to wander, but my thoughts are interrupted by someone shaking my shoulder.

"Hey, Court,"

I look up to see Kimmy, her hand on my shoulder.

"Why don't you come hang out with us? Is something wrong?"

"Don't worry, Kim-Kim, nothing's bothering me."

"I'm guessing nothing is currently having a thumb war with Ian?" She says, a sly smile on her face as she points out the window. I'm sure that you can guess who she's referring to.

I can't help but giggle.

"Shut up."

"Okay, you're free for now," she jokes.

"But only if you come swim with me!" she continues, offering me her hand.

"Alright," I say, taking her hand, giggling as she leads me outside.


I feel the cold water rush over me as I jump off the side of the boat, hand in hand with Kimmy.

I inhale deeply as I pop up above the surface.

"Hey guys!" Noah greets us, paddling towards us with two unused swim rings.

We both wordlessly grab them, but before either of us can respond, there's a loud scream, then a splash next to me, and Shayne appears.

"Hey, Courtney!"

Holy fuck I was not prepared for this.

"H-hey Shayne."

Did I seriously just stutter?

"We don't have any more floaties!" Noah calls to Shayne.

"It's fine. I'll just hitch a ride with Courtney,"

He turns to me. "If that's okay with you?"

"Oh. No, it's fine," I respond, tucking a wet lock of hair behind my ear.

I just did the Debby Ryan thing unironically. Dear god.

"Great," he says excitedly, wrapping one of his arms around the side of my swim ring.

"So anyway..." I say after a long pause in a mediocre attempt to start a conversation.

"Are you going to finish that sentence, or am I gonna have to read your mind?"

I let out a short laugh.

"Well, I guess I'm gonna have to say something, because you do not need to know what's going on up here," I say jokingly, pointing at my temple.

"Why? Is there something you don't want me to know about?" He asks with a smirk.

Is he hitting on me?

Well, only one way to find out.

"Maybe. Why, do you have some secrets of your own?" I respond, complete with a wink.

To my surprise, his face goes slightly red, but he recovers quickly.

"Yeah, I'd say that I do. But you'd have to force them out of me."

I suddenly notice just how far away we've floated from the others. I remember Jackie's words from last night "I think he likes you too," and I'm hit with a wave of confidence.

"Would I now?" I ask slyly, bringing my face closer to his.

He nods slowly.

"Well, what if I did this?" I whisper, before closing the gap between us with a kiss.

For half of a second, I expect him to pull away, to push me off of him, even to laugh at me.

But he doesn't.

A few seconds later, we pull away, breathing heavily.

"I'd say that you've done a pretty good job figuring it out."

I can't help but laugh at that.

"Come on, dork, let's go back to the others."

yeah. sorry it's so short, but i hope y'all like it. have a good day/night!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2020 ⏰

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