Smosh Squad- the one thing you can't replace

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ik i said the next one would be shartney, but i got this idea and i couldn't NOT do it. Also, this is based off the john mulaney bit, so if you haven't heard of it, this isn't gonna make that much sense. Also, this is pretty dumb.


"Did you hear that Kimmy Jimenez is having a party this weekend?" Courtney asks as she sits down at the lunch table.

I almost drop the mediocre cafeteria pizza I'm eating. I don't know Kimmy very well, just that she's a sophomore like Courtney and that they're friends, but I know Kimmy's dad VERY well. He teaches at our school and he's an asshole. And that's not a word I just toss around.

"Wait, actually?" Shayne asks, looking at Courtney as if he doesn't quite believe her.

"Kimmy Jimenez? As in Mr. Jimenez's daughter?" Keith asks incredulously.

"What other Kimmy Jimenez would it be?" Noah says.

"Shut up!"

Everyone laughs, and Courtney continues.

"Yeah, so apparently Kimmy's parents are going out of town for the weekend."

"The Jimenez's are going out of town?" Olivia asks.

Her confusion makes sense. If I didn't know Mr. Jimenez's child, I'd genuinely think he lived at school and never left. I've never seen him outside the building ever.

"You should never do that if you're an asshole," Shayne says with a shrug.

"Okay, well we're going, right?"

Jackie is the first person to respond.

"Of course I'm coming! Aren't you guys?"

I look around the table, and everyone's nodding. And I could tell we were all thinking the same thing.

Okay. Let's go over there and destroy the place.


We get to Kimmy's house an hour late (not necessarily by choice, we waited outside Keith's house for over ten minutes) and by the time we get there, the party is in full swing. And by that, I mean everyone is drinking like it's the end of the world. Most of my friends all quickly run off to god knows where, leaving just me and Courtney. I can see that she's saying something, but the music is so loud I can't make out a word. So I'm standing there, squinting at her like that'll help me hear better, when we're approached by Kimmy.

"Hey, Court!" She yells drunkenly, and the two girls hug.

"Hey Kim-Kim!"

Kimmy then looks at me, and turns to address Courtney again.

"You invited your senior friends?!" She asks excitedly.

I feel kind of bad now. She probably thinks she's so cool having seniors at her party. Little does she know we're just filled with rage and about to wreck her house.

"Yeah, I-"

"I'll get you guys drinks!" She yells over the music, and then she disappears into the crowd.

"Uh... she seems nice."


Kimmy comes back a couple seconds later holding two beers.

"Here you go!" She yells, holding them out to Courtney and I.

I consider refusing it, because I don't usually drink. But then I decide that, if I actually do want to cause even some semblance of chaos, my inhibitions need to be seriously lowered.

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