Undeniable Part 1

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Tanjiro POV

I look up from my lap, funnily enough I meet the only face I want to see. Inosuke's bright emerald eyes are squinted, staring at me in some sort of frustration. I rub my eyes carefully, trying to push away the tiredness; consequently, he grabs my hand when he gets the chance.

"Good morning sleepyhead," Inosuke sighs lovingly.

My eyes widen for  split second at how casual he's acting. I look around the train car to see there's no one else there.

"Good morning." I say before smiling automatically.

Inosuke climbs over the seats to sits himself next to me quietly, leaning on my shoulder. I look down as his hair glides gracefully down his back. I smile, blushing at the sudden touch.

"So why are you back here in my car?" I breathe out slowly.

He looks up at me, those emerald eyes shining in the slightly orange light on the ceiling. He hesitates for second, before parting his slightly plump lips.

"I..." he starts, "got lonely, by myself." He sputters bashfully.

I grin before grabbing his shoulder and pulling him closer.

"Soo, why are you not wearing your mask?" I ask, feeling braver now.

He shudders for a moment.

"You looked so calm, I wanted to get a better look at you." He blushes intensely.

I look down at his feminine, beautiful face.

"Is that really the only reason?" I says with an innocent smirk.

He eyebrows furrow and I laugh. I grasp his hand, which was planted firmly on his lap, gently bringing it up to my neck. Inosuke's eyes were filled with confusion, but blushing with a beasts' ferocity. I lean down to his face more, getting a good look at his soft, but sharp features. He starts shivering, chest leaning into me. I immediately take notice of this and reach my left and out behind him, tracing his spine flawlessly, careful to not make him uncomfortable. He tilts his chin up more, likely purely of his instincts. 

My right hand lets go of his hand and moves toward his jawline, pushing it forward. Our lips connect with a sensation similar to that of electricity surging through our bodies. A small noise could be heard from Inosuke, who was slightly shorter than me. I hesitate for a second because of it, but moving back in slightly harsher this time. I move my lips up slightly, then taking hold of his softer lips. His eyebrows upturn, his arms moving quickly to grab the nape of my neck. 

I push him down impatiently onto the long bench seat, his hair goes to the sides of his face, framing it perfectly. My eyes just lock on his for a moment, in awe at how gorgeous he truly is. His soft emerald eyes, graced by his long eyelashes, set upon his gently cheekbones. His nose curved upward slightly in a button. His plump lips parted slightly, just enough room for me. I quit my gawking, moving down, putting my leg in between his thighs. I carefully rubs my right hand down his abdomen, placing my left firmly on the seat cushion itself, keeping a stable balance. 

I look to see his brows furrow, I pause in disbelief as Inosuke grabs my neck, and firmly brings it to his own. Our lips collide again, him taking control. His slightly smaller frame gliding into mine. My eyes widen with pure contentment as he wraps his legs around my waist, hoisting himself off the bench and makes a lustful noise into the kiss. I'm left dazed for a moment before resting on my knees and tilting my head upward, Inosuke's hands grasping my face, with utmost self control I wrap my own hands around his waist, hands resting on his hips. He stops for a second, I look at his face to see what's wrong. Inosuke's eyes are widened, shining clear as crystals. his hands fly over his mouth as I move my hips up into his own. 

I push him down onto me again, his eyebrows tilted inward, pointing up again. His eyes shut, his long eyelashes still framing his face beautifully. I hear the muffled sounds of his voice, the usual low pitch being higher, and wildly uncontrollable.

I move my hands to his, grabbing his wrists, my posterior still moving at the same pace. I rip his hands away and push them down to around the height of my shoulder blades. His whimpers and audibly makes a sound similar to a moan, but not exactly it. I try to resist my own pleasure, trying not to lose control and double his weight right here and now. I know that I'm going to fast already. Inosuke moving his head down, his bangs shadowing his flawless face, hair finally flooding over his slumped shoulders. I pull him into me, matching his usual forceful movement accidentally. He pushes himself even closer to me.

In all honesty, I didn't know he even knew what was going on, but he's enjoying it, almost more than I am. I try to contain myself, carefully moving my tongue into my mouth, brushing against his tongue, moving slowly, too slowly. Inosuke jumps before wrapping his arms around my neck, his hands grabbing my hair. He preforms a smooth, flawless body roll into my slightly dipped hips.

I grab onto his fur loincloth, pushing his down along with his pants. His knees buckle upwards, I slide the pants down to his midthighs. I pick him up, and pin him up against the window, leading to a dark, cold winter night. His legs give out beneath him as his back gets pushed against the glass. I notice this, and take the opportunity to throw his loincloth and pants to the bench across from us. I wrap my hands away from his waist, reducing the wanted friction between our hips, taking off my haori, and unbuttoning my shirt, moving towards my belt. He groans as we pull away for air, both shaking from desire. Inosuke's eyes finally open again, now clouded by desire. I recognize his restless need and rip off the rest of my uniform, both of us just left in our undergarments.  

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