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Miles called me the next day to say he had a plan. His classes ended at 2, so I'd need to pick him up and he'd tell me where to go.

I was so excited. Last night had been crazy. All night, I couldn't believe the things that he said, the way that he felt about me. I thought that would never happen to me, especially not with someone I had just met two days ago.

I had called my mom that morning, but she didn't answer. I worried about her, but she called me back a few hours later saying she was in a meeting. I told her everything, all about our date, all about Miles and what he said and how we felt about each other. She was so thrilled, but she also seemed like she had something else on her mind.

"I'm fine, I swear!" she had insisted, but I wondered what was going on. I made a mental note to check in with her later, but first I had to call my friends and tell them everything.

They couldn't talk until lunch, since they had crazy busy schedules, and I insisted it was an emergency. So I waited, pacing the beach and attempting to read, but my mind was still racing from everything going on.

Finally, I sat at the island in the kitchen eating a grilled cheese and a salad when I got on FaceTime with my friends.

"Hi!" I exclaimed, so relieved to see their faces.

"How's the beach?" Lillian asked eagerly.

I smiled. "It's amazing! And," I paused for dramatic effect, "you'll never guess what happened."

"What? What happened?" Melinda asked.

I was grinning now. I couldn't wait to see their reactions. I knew they'd be shocked. "I met a boy."

Melinda and Lillian squealed excitedly for me, but Ashley didn't respond. Had she heard what I said? Had she forgotten that I'd never been asked on a date before?

"Is he cute?" Melinda asked. She had always been the most boy-crazy of the group, though she only had one boyfriend whom she dated for almost a year.

I nodded eagerly. "I mean, we have to wear our masks, so I haven't really seen him up close, but he's nice."

"Does he have an Instagram? I'm gonna stalk him!" Melinda tapped her fingers together mischievously, but I shook my head.

"We went out on two dates, and he basically said he wants to be my boyfriend. But he lives here, so I don't really know what to do about that."

"Awww," Lillian cooed, "Sandy finally met her Danny Zuko!"

Ashley finally spoke up, but to my genuine surprise, she had nothing good to say. "Wow, Ev, that's great for you." She rolled her eyes, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "We all have lives, too, you know. You don't have to make it all about you."

My heart sank at her hurtful words. I was just excited; this was the first time any boy showed any remote interest in me, besides the weird guy who sat across from me in English and stared at my chest the whole time.

"You don't need to be such a bitch, Ash," Melinda stood up for me. I appreciated her having my back, but maybe Ashley was right. They all had lives, too, and they were moving on without me.

"I'm just saying." Ashley shrugged. "It's great and all that our little puppy found a boy toy, but she doesn't need to come on here bragging about it."

Ashley had always been the bluntest in our group, but she never attacked any of us like this. I felt tears well up in my eyes, and I struggled not to start crying right there. I mustered up the last of my strength to say, "I thought you'd be happy for me. You don't need to be a bully all the time." Without giving her time to respond, I disconnected from the call and immediately began sobbing. Melinda and Lillian both spammed my texts to ask if I was okay and to apologize for Ashley, but I ignored them to watch Netflix and feel sorry for myself.

* * *

Miles called to tell me he was done with his classes, and he gave me his address. As I drove, I relished in the fresh beach air with my jeep completely open. The navigation on my phone took me to a house that almost resembled a cottage. It was smaller than our beach house, but not significantly. I honked my horn—per Miles's instructions—and he came hurrying out the door with a backpack slung over one of his shoulders.

"What's that for?" I asked as he got in the jeep.

"Never you mind," he said, excitement gleaming in his eyes. "Turn around at the end of the street and then turn right on the main road."

I nodded and followed his directions, eager to know where we were going. He always had the best surprises planned. He led me out of the main part of the town. We got into a busier area, and he had me pull into a large shopping center.

"Pull up in front of that walk-in clinic," he instructed, and I shot him a glare from the driver's seat.

"Please tell me we are not going there." I hope my apprehension was clear from beneath my mask.

"Yes, we are."

"I'm terrified of needles," I told him. "I might pass out if I have to get my blood drawn. Or throw up." I sighed as I pulled into a spot right in front of the clinic. "Is this even safe? Aren't there gonna be a bunch of people with COVID there?"

"We should be fine if we wear our masks. I'm sure they're safe."

I trusted him more than anyone because I knew the stakes of the risks he took. "Fine," I accepted. "But what are we doing?"

"Get ready," he said, pausing for dramatic effect. "We're getting COVID tests!"

My heart sank. I hadn't gotten one, but I heard horror stories. It was like the flu test, but it went so far up that it felt like it was touching your eyeball. "Hell no," I said.

Miles gave me puppy dog eyes. "Please. . ." I nervously gripped my legs and stared at my lap. "I was thinking that if we both tested negative that we could be around each other without masks on."

I looked back at him, and he shrugged sheepishly. "I'd like that," I told him. "Fine, fine, we can do it."

"I'm not excited about it either," he admitted. "But we'll do it together."

I smiled. "Okay."

Two Masked Hearts - ✓ #WattysShortsWhere stories live. Discover now