3: The King of the Lake

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Kiritos P.O.V

One month. That's how long it has been since Sword Art Online turned into a nightmare that no one was able to escape unless their HP gauge was to drop to zero. But that would cost the loss of their own life.

Many players have killed themselves in ways no one could imagine. Entering a labyrinth alone. Sending a dagger straight through their own head. This meant that the game that had started with a mere 20,000 players, has now dropped to 8,000 with in one month, because they have not been able to handle the full actuality of this game.

After Asuna and I woke up at our spawn points, we ran through the towns in Coral, trying to comfort the players that were not taking the situation well.

"Please! Calm down! It will all be okay!" Asuna called to the man standing on top of the cliff.

At that moment, Asuna and I had seen this man climb to the top of this cliff, and a crowd was gathering around him. Asuna and I were at the bottom, standing in front of him, begging him not to jump off of the cliff. If we could, we would fly up and take him off of the cliff. But, that ability won't be unlocked until we reach floor 10.

"You have so much to live for!" Asuna shouted.

"I don't... I am not strong enough to survive in this world..." He muttered unsteadily.

He took another step forwards, which was one step closer to death.

If this guy was to jump off of the cliff, it would send definitely cause a lot of people to freak out.

He looked up, and closed his eyes. He was about to jump off.

"Don't do it!" I yelled, but just then, the crowd gasped and he walked off of the cliff.

I ran to try to catch him, and Asuna did as well, but as if in slow motion, he hit the ground with a thud.

"No!" Asuna gasped just as we got to him. She fell onto the ground, and kneeled down next to him and sat him up on her knees. I pulled out potion, and handing it to him, but he shoved it away.

"I was never going to survive in this world..."

"No! There's people all around you who are here to protect you!" Asuna yelled.

But immediately after, he closed his eyes and burst into a million polygons.

Asuna looked down, and had a grim face.

"Asuna..." I hugged her tight as she cried into my arms.

"I can't do this again Kirito!"

I that phrase still echo's in my head today. Even a month later. That was the first day of the start of this new world. Later that night, Asuna and I had a meeting at our cabin with Klien, Sinon, Lisbeth, Leafa, and Agil. Every except Sinon and Leafa had changed into their real world avatars.

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