Chapter 1

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Heyo! Well this is my very first story ever! so cut me some slack here we go also lets pretend this is back in 2010 when justin was 16 kay? kay

Chapter 1:

Hey there well, my name is Rosalie you can call me Rose or Rosie. I’m the oldest of my brothers and sisters. I have 4 siblings 2 brothers and 2 sisters. My mom’s name is Grace, and my dad’s name is Kyle.  First before introducing my siblings I want to tell you the story of how we became such a big family and no not like that, not the birds and  the bees. My brothers and sisters have special needs. My parents couldn’t have kids but I was a miracle child I guess because they had me. Eventually my parents wanted to have kids but they wanted to help others in a way to. Before I was born and before my parents wanted to have more kids they worked with special needs kids at schools so they could go to school with normal kids eventually the school shut down to certain reasons I don’t even know of. Well, back to the point my parents still wanted to help special needs kids so they decided to start foster care 13 years ago and eventually they adopted my sibling. Let’s start with my youngest sister, her name is Alice, she just turned five last month she is the sweetest girl ever she was two months premature and she has down syndrome. Her mom didn’t want her and her dad was never in the picture. She is the sweetest girl ever she always finds a way to make people smile. She has curly blonde hair and purple glasses. Its her favorite color. Also she is overly in love with Justin Bieber. Then we have my youngest brother Jacob or Jake. He’s 8 and Jacob has Osteogenesis imperfecta. Osteogenesis imperfecta is a disease where your bones are very weak and break like twigs. We really have to worry about him all the time because if he falls he can break something or die if he falls on his head. He is such a sweet happy little boy and is always smiling, did I forget to mention Jacob looks up to justin a lot? I don’t really know why he was put into foster care I think his mom was on drugs and his dad was too. Then we have Connor. He has cerebral palsy. Connor is very similar to Jacob but he’s 10. He also looks up to Justin. Shocker right? I guess my family just has Bieber Fever. And then there is Sophia she’s perfectly healthy but when she was younger she had an under developed liver and we took her in. She’s 14 and not as big of a fan as the others for Justin. Then there is me, Rosalie who likes music and I play guitar and piano and I sing but only my family knows this so shhh.

Now i guess I’ll tell you where I live. I live in the country in Iowa, I know there is nothing in Iowa other than corn. But I love it! Its not crammed with people and tourist and there are no celebrities unless they are here for a concert.

But recently a blessing has happened to our family. And it may take awhile to fully understand. Well here we go. Since Connor and Jacob can’t walk we alway have to help them around they don’t have a lot of independence. And with Jacob he can’t go down a single stair because he will break a bone, and if he falls on his head he can die. We are always worrying about them. But this summer we sent in a video to Extreme Makeover Home Improvement. And to our surprise they came and helped us while they sent us to disney and well now Connor and Jacob are have a lot of independence and they love it.


Hey guys Hope you enjoyed chapter two coming soon and sorry if there any grammar mistakes i'm planning on editing soon.

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