Chapter 2

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Amelie pov

I was hanging with Avani and Alexis in my room "so I love you songs so much and never in my live thought that I would ever meet you" Avani said while I did her acrylic nails and I laughed and putted butterflies on it.... "done" I said and her nails looked like this

"Amazing" and I already this Alexis hers looked like this

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"Amazing" and I already this Alexis hers looked like this

"Amazing" and I already this Alexis hers looked like this

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And mines were basic looking like this

"So you and josh?" Alexis said and Avanis mouth dropped "he's just adorable and all

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"So you and josh?" Alexis said and Avanis mouth dropped "he's just adorable and all." And Avani laughed "and ur ex?" And I laughed "miss him but he probs moved on." And Alexis nodded and we walked out my room..

Bryce pov

"But mom who called who?" She sigh while I stood there and the boys also stood there "ur dad called me after 10 years..... apologized knew I wanted to see them again and I couldn't see him today cause he was smart and left earlier then the girls expected" I nodded and heard noise... "so how long are they staying?" Anthony asked and my mom said "I really don't know he had a business trip and it's gonna take awhile.." I nodded and amelie walked in and said "already want me gone?" I looked at her and said "you don't look like the old amelie I knew" she then said "what's the old amelie you knew?" And I just knew she was playing with me... "the one girl that wasn't obsessed with my friends-" she cut me off "I wasn't?" And then I said "shoot right you always were, the one that cared about everything and everyone" and she said "I still do" and I said "you legit said yo towards your own mom" and she laughed "dad find it chill so what?" She said with a face wanting me to cuss at her "Bryce no" my mom said and amelie looked at her and then looked at my friends and looked at me "say what you wanna say dick." She said really serious I could hear Anthony trying to hold his laugh... "look here you hoe you better stay away from my fucking friends and find a outsider to be ur soon to be boyfriend so fuck off with this and try to be the old you!" I said in her face and she didn't flinched ones "well this was so much fun what a reunion right" she said doing her hair good and my mom looked at me confused "why aren't you crying or anything?" She laughed "me? Because of you? Cussing isn't the only way to make people cry bring up there most painful part and then hit it right there on that one spot you just know they would apologize but what you just said wasn't me hearing it for the first time? No Bryce it wasn't come up with something better before you get mad again?" And she then walked out and josh said "damm when can I marry her?" I gave him a look and Alexis walked in "why's my sister upset?" And I looked confused "Bryce just called her out but she didn't show any emotions." And Alexis said "let me tell you a little about her, if someone tells her something about her what has to do with anything she'll get mad on the inside and won't come out of her room for hours just to sit on her bed and look at the wall thinking, she has never told me really personal stuff about her just one time I saw her cry for the first time in my whole life.... not that long ago she came home and she was wearing black mom jeans and a black hoodie it said something and her hair was in a bun and she walked in and started crying I was so confused and she ran to her room and stayed there for a month while I bought her food with the money she'll slip under her room door for me... a month without her was so lonely." And Jaden said "shit" and walked out and we all followed and amelie was in her room Jaden ran up the stairs and we all followed... he opened the door seeing amelie sitting on the ground on her phone with pencils around her and a big paper...."hey can we like talk for a second" she looked up seeing Jaden and us in the back and she nodded softly and Jaden closed the door in our faces

Amelie pov

He sat on my bed and said "I know when we broke up I met you in Canada but I didn't knew it affected you.... your sister told us a story and I remembered what you were wearing... you really cared..." he said and I looked down "I loved you... and you broke up with me..." I said soft but I knew her heard it.... "I'm sorry... I thought we should focus on ourselves" he said and I nodded "that's it?" I asked and he nodded "one thing can you like stand up" I stood up and walked off my pencils and he pulled me to him "c-can I maybe k-kiss y-you?" He asked and I looked in his eyes and his hands were on my waist and I softly pulled myself to him and we made out softly my hand was on his cheek and the other one on his neck.... and we made out in sign... and I pulled away looking at him.... and he pecked me and I smiled soft "I think that's what we both needed." He said and I nodded and we stepped away from each and the door opened and everyone stood there and said "so talked out?" Josh asked and we nodded while we both looked away... "avani let's bake something" I said grabbing her hand and running of with her we walked in the kitchen and i immediately said "Jaden and I kissed" and she pointed behind me and I turned around seeing kio... "shit Kio DONT tell anyone about this!" And he nodded and said "wait you guys dated how did it happen?" And I said "so kio now ur my new bestfriend !" And he laughed and josh and everyone walked in and we all quiet down and josh said "what are y'all talking about something?" And kio said "no no were not we're just talking about-" and avani said "about what were gonna bake with the three of us it will be a surprise so bye" she said and the boys nodded and walked out and kio laughed "okay so what will we make while talking?" And I said "red velvet" I grabbed the ingredients and we all started mixing... "so he basically asked to talk so I was like okay yea down for that and then he talked about how we met in canada for our anniversary and how he broke up with me and everything and didn't knew the break up affected me that hard and told me that I really cared about it and I told him that I basically loved him and he said that he kinda wanted us to focus on ourselves cause it didn't seem like we were meant... and then he asked me to stand up and I did and he walked closer to me and asked if he could kiss me and I just looier in his eyes and he we both leaned in and kissed basically we made out and then I pulled away and he pecked me and I smiled softly and he said that's def what we both just needed and then josh walked in with everyone-" Avani and kio said "what about josh?" And I said "I don't know everything is so messed up now I don't know what Jaden his feelings are towards me.." and then Avani asked this "how long did you two dated." And I putted the mix in the oven and turned the time on and said "at our 11 months that's the date we broke up and I was about to tell him that I loved him... and we were in the city we met at the place we met and he broke up with me and left.... and I took a flight back home and broke down... I know I never show any feeling but that heart break was different... way to different to even express the feeling..." I said and I could feel a tear leaving my eye and then Alexis walked in with trinity and said "what in the world happened I see a tear!" She yelled and I fast wiped it off and the boys ran in.... "IS SHE CRYING?" Bryce asked and kio said "guys just leave" and I grabbed a glass of water.... and everyone looked at me.... and my mom walked in with a package "UR LED STRIPS ARE HERE!" I smiled and grabbed the box.... and my phone rang and it said "Calvin x is trying to call you" and Alexis said "amelie." And she gave me a look and I said "sorry wait." And I picked up and said "hey there" and Calvin laughed "hey cutie so I wanted to know if you were down to hang." And I said "ouch didn't I tell I was going to my mom for awhile?" And he said "no you didn't..." and I said "sorry then..." I said and he laughed "no no it's fine my dad will be in Cali so we can probs hang soon" and I said "yea totally." And I hanged up fast... "what did he want?" Alexis asked "to hang?" And Alexis said "he'll never get over you." And Bryce said "another ex boyfriend?" I then said "we never had a thing he's just head over heels in love with me for no reason." And Alexis said "he ones saw her at the mac and I don't why but he was in love he tried to win her but she was all over Jaden right? So she always told him there just friends" and Avani said "so FRIENDS is about him?" And i nodded and josh said "well will you write a song for me if I'll get you?" And I said "probably" and he said "always wanted a song about myself..."

My ex boyfriend, Jaden hosslerWhere stories live. Discover now