Chapter 11

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Bryce pov

Amelie is coming back today from vacation and everyone was in the livingroom waiting and then josh said "check tiktokroom" I grabbed my phone and opened it


Disney is making a new movie but people are guessing amelie hall to be in the new movie zombies

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Disney is making a new movie but people are guessing amelie hall to be in the new movie zombies

"Hey dad is amelie casted in something?" And he said "I can't tell information" and then his phone rang saying "sweetheart." And he putted on speaker "dad this lady is telling me my plane is getting delayed" and I looked confused "sir ur daughters plane got delayed by a accident on the start face... her plane will be going in 7 hours" and amelie immediately said "but ma'am can't we get like a private one it's my birthday tomorrow and I don't want to celebrate it on a airport" and then it hanged up.... "she's not celebrating with me?" I asked soft and my dad stood up and said "I'll fix it" he said and walked into his office to tell Nathalie to fix it... "don't worry Bryce she'll be back." Jaden said and I nodded "oh she's texting me" Kio said and I said "what's she saying?" And he said "she said.... kio tell Bryce that he doesn't need to worry and we'll have our birthday together and tell Bryce to tell me a color to wear tomorrow so we can match" he said and I said "purple or white" and he nodded and texted it... and my dad walked in "we sended a private yet... now let's get the party started.... Nathalie write down" he said and he said "we need 2 17 balloons the ones of last year with sixteen looked really cool so that type... flowers and bring in the cooking people from last year." And she nodded and started calling after awhile the door rang... and people walked in with cake and everything "okay guys y'all should like play outside untill it's all done here." My dad said and my mom laughed and we all walked to amelies room but we couldn't go there so we went to jadens house... when we got there we saw his mom packing... "hey mom whatcha doing" Jaden asked "oh just a present for the hall twins." And I smiled and her phone rang with my dads name on it she picked up and had airpods in and said "oh yea I see.... okay I will... no that's not a problem at all" and then hanged up she was done and said "so in 4 minutes and 3 seconds amelie and Nadia will be here I need to bring them to the mall for the birthday dress and I need to get the premiere stuff that is top secret for now" she said and we nodded and sat on the sofa and we heard a car.... and the door rang and jadens mom Amy opened and Nadia walked in wearing a hoodie and sweats and her hair in a bun... and then amelie walked in wearing still softish merch and her hair also in a bun and she was looking at her phone and said "thanks for keeping us here" she looked up seeing us and said "hi everyone it's my last day 16 woohoo" I could tell she was tired.... "so your dad told me to bring you two to the mall." And she said "okay. Have my dad set the screen already and the posters and all?" And I looked confused and she called my dad "dad don't forget Disney." And she started laughing "yea yea I will study the things I need to say.... yea I already have a present for Bryce calm down I've got it." And I stood up "what's my present" and she said "okay dad. Yea first g and then z and then b and then d right or is-" she stopped talking "first z then d and b is being published next week and then g and then the present okay okay I got this" she said and hanged up "Bryce no you can't know. Plus ive already ordered my birthday outfit." And I nodded.... sad very sad and they left....

They came back with a few bags and amelie immediately laid down.... and her phone went off saying "Johnny o" and Nadia laughed and she picked up and said "hello?" And she laughed after second "yea that would be amazing!" She said sitting up "the one I wrote?" She asked and she started smiling "no way that's so sick!" She said standing up excited "yea yea that would be so amazing if you did that" and she then said "yea thank you so much!" And she hanged up and jumped "John is amazing!" She said and Nadia said "why what happened" and she said "you'll see tomorrow I'm so excited" and then her phone went of saying Nathalie "hey Nathalie" and her face expression changed in a sec "what..." she said sad... "oh yea that's okay..." she said looking at the ground... "why didn't say that earlier I was getting sad" she said softly... "I understand that but how hasn't it come in yet? That's basically the most important thing for tomorrow!" She said standing up and she then said "okay great thanks Nathalie can you tell my dad to call me in a few to get the text in my head and tell him j is going to come and do what my dad asked." And she smiled "yea okay great bye" and amelie sighed "almost got a heart attack". She said and I said "how come no one called me yet" and my phone rang saying "mom" and I picked up "hey sweetie so tomorrow is ur and amelies big day and we're almost done here.... you can invited ur friends and everything already and the colors are white and purple and blue and I hope you'll have the best birthday ever." I smiled "thanks mom I really appreciate that." And she laughed "what are you wearing and what did you get amelie?" And I said "purple and the other one is a surprise" I said and she laughed "make sure to come Tomorrow at 12 pm and you can get ready cause the party starts at 4 pm" and I said "okay yea I will." And she hanged up and we all ate dinner together. And amelie shared a room with Avani, Nadia AnD herself and all the boys got roommates....

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