✨you're a prince?!✨

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It's all Fictional istg don't kill me I just wanted to make a story pls


Jungkook was the prince of the kingdom averile, yet he never acted like one. He never wanted to be shown as a important person, he loved being a normal person and that's why he insisted his parents to make him go to a normal highschool.

So here he was, his first day at world word highschool where normal people study.

When he entered the bodyguards were obviously surounding him and everyone gave him looks until they realised the prince was in their school.

He had a grand entering and Alot of girls fangirling him, he excused himself and carried on walking down the hallways towards his locker.

The teachers would obviously act all nice with him to get a pay raise so they just sugarcoated everything he said.

He went in his home room seeing girls and guys staring down at him.

"guys..can you please leave me alone here?" Jungkook asked his guards and they looked at eachother before nodding and going out.

He sighed.

Suddenly the teacher spoke up.

"Students! We have a new student within us and we are lucky to have him in this home room, this is Prince-" she was cut off by Jungkook.

"Jungkook, just Jeon Jungkook" he said and bowed and went on his assigned seat.

The teacher was embarassed so she gulped and started on with the Lectures.

The lecture was going good, except for some girls trying to annoy jungkook by shoving themselves on him, or asking him for a extra pencil when they had tons.

The lectures ended and it was lunch break.

He was about to get up when a girl named, kris came up to him twirling her hair.

"Hi Prince- Sory, Jungkook would you like me to show you around the school?" She asked cutely which was gross for Jungkook.

"no thank you very much lady, I will just head to the cafeteria" Jungkook declined nicely and moving out of the class leaving a disappointed Kris standing.

the body guards were about to follow him but he ordered them to stay and so they did.

He entered the cafeteria, and took out his money, he went near the counter and started taking his lunch.

We he did, he somehow ended up dropping all of it on the floor gaining everyone's attention.

He just scratched the back of his head and left without looking back.

He took a walk at the school play ground when he saw a small boy sitting under a tree with a shopping bag in his hand.

He decided to go there.

When he went near the kid, he noticed how his eye were bruised.

The kid looked up, "hi-i" he said and looked down.

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