If Maya was a cop

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Maya: Talk.

Brenda: Well according to subsection A/B, I won't be talking to anybody until my lawyer is present.


Maya: Where were you 6 days ago at 11pm? And don't lie.

Mary: I don't know, i.. I don't even remember half of wha-

Maya: That's it, take her downtown.

Mary: What, to get some food? I-


Maya: Do you know how fast you were going?

Bella: ......No i don't know. DRIVE, DRIVE! (She drives off.)

Maya: Why'd you even run? You didn't do anything. 

Bella: For the future crimes I'll commit.


Cupcake: I'm not snitching.

Maya: There's a $500,000 rewar-

Cupcake: What i meant to say was that I'm not snitching, cause I'm gonna be splitting the money with Brenda, Elise, and Angel.


Maya: You're under arrest.

Taylor: No tubby. Your diet's under arrest. You're about to go into cardiac arrest. HAHA-

(She handcuffs her.)

Taylor: Oh, you don't gotta be so rough.


Winter: Officer, I swear to god I didn't do anything.

Maya: Ok, just get out of here..

(Winter walks away.)

Winter: I did everything.


Callie: These cuffs are too loose.

Maya: Shut up.

Callie: I'm just saying.

(Maya pulls out her gun.)

Callie: So you're pulling out the gun cause 'Always Right' lives don't matter?


Maya: You're getting a ticket.

Elise: How about a warning?

Maya: This is not up for discussion. A ticket.

Elise: How about an IOU?


Table: Didn't see sh*t, don't know sh*t, none of my buisness. I'm not a lawyer, I can't judge anyone. What's that gotta do with me?

Maya: .......


Amanda: Oh look, a cop. Let me not start anything. F-f*ck the police.

Maya: >:(


Maya: You're getting a speeding ticket!

Kiss: Get the f*ck back in your car, b*tch!!

Maya: Is that a threat?



Maya: Do you know how fast you were going?

Madeline: Not fast enough. Under arrest? F*ck that! You're gonna have to catch me.

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