Chastity Learns her Truth.

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(Carrie shudders, crying all alone on a dark night after she ran away from home. Suddenly, she hears something fly by her and she chases it to where her father stood alongside the rocks.)

Daniel: You're a long ways past the snow.

Carrie: Father?

Daniel: Guess I chose the right tattoo.

Carrie: Father!! (She runs towards him and held him close, crying.) I tried, father.. I.. I couldn't do it.

Daniel: It's not your fault.. I never should have put so much on your shoulders. If you're ready to come home, I will be with you.

(Carrie stood up, wiping her tears away and took her backpack, stepping forward.. But she stopped and looked back at the water tower, knowing she would leave her friends behind.)

Daniel: Why do you hesitate?

Carrie: I don't know..

(He sighs and placed his hand on her shoulder.)

Daniel: I know a girl from a garden, She stands apart from the crowd. She loves the sun and her friends, She makes her whole family proud. Sometimes the world seems against you, The journey may leave a scar. But scars can heal and reveal just Where you are. The people you love will change you. The things you have learned will guide you, And nothing on earth can silence the quiet voice still inside you. And when that voice starts to whisper "Carrie, you've come so far." Carrie, listen.. Do you know who you are?

Carrie: ....Who am I?... I am a girl who loves my own life, I'm the girl who loves my family... they call me... I'm the protector of three siblings. They are descended from Ink and Pen, who found their way right to my heart. They call me! I've delivered us to where we are. I have journeyed farther! I am everything I've learned and more, Still it calls me.

(Carrie looked up at the stars, shining extra bright for her way home.)

Carrie: And the call isn't out there at all, it's inside me! It's like the tide, always falling and rising! (Carrie looked back at her father, hugging him one last time.) I will carry you here in my heart you'll remind me! "That come what may, I know the way!" I am a Nelson!!

(Carrie turns around, waving goodbye and running back to find the water tower.)

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