Chapter 6 First day of traning

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Four Pov
I am an early riser thank goodness for it. Amar woke us up at 7:00 and told us to meet him in the pit. Now I am standing in the pit with my fellow inates.
"So surprised you made it" a kid says
"Yeah" I replied
"The names Eric, see you later" Eric says
"There is three stages of training first is physical put your body's to the breaking point. second is mental face your worst fears again but this time face them like a warrior. now go eat breakfast." Amar says
Tris Pov
"race you to breakfast trissy poo" Uriah says
"Your going down Uriah I replied
I ran to the cafeteria. I get their and I look behind me to see a panting Uriah.
"I told you I would win" I say
I see Zeke and mar sitting over at our normal table. Four walks in.
"Come sit with us Four." Zeke yells
He starts walking over.
"Okay Four so you all ready now me and my little sister Tris and that's Uriah tris's twin and my little brother. This is Shauna, Marlene, and everyone this is four." zeke says
I see four looking at me I look back and we both blush.
Four Pov
Tris just looked back and blushed maybe she likes me too. but what about Zeke what would he think.
AN ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Okay sorry that I haven't been able to post a lot I am in aftercare till 6:00 pm than we have to eat and than my mom makes me go to bed so I will write as much as I can Monday (no school) and I have been sick thank you those who stuck around.

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