1. Arriving at Kalos

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It was a beautiful sunny day and a plane just arrived at the Lumiose airport. A guy with black hair, brown eyes, wearing a red hat and in his early 20s steps outside and looked around.

"Remember when we first came here and I slipped, buddy??" Ash asks the pokemon sitting on his shoulder.

"Pika piii" Pikachu responds happily.

"You know what Pikachu we should first go and get some food, I'm so hungry" he groaned


They went and found their favorite place to eat at the airport, got inside and took a seat and ordered some food for him and some Pokemon food for Pikachu.

"In all these years nothing has changed at all. After this I would love to go around and have a look around, it would be nice to see the place again and then tomorrow we can go and meet the others. What do you say " Ask asked

"Pikachuu!!!" and he knew that Pikachu was super exited to see his old friends again after so long.

They stepped outside the airport and walked around and bought a lot stuff and of course everyone was staring at him, he was after all the Multi League Champion. A news reporter approached him and he knew that they found out that he was going to arrive at Lumiose city today . And Ash thought he will just give them a bit about what he is doing here.

Reporter Asks "So Mr. Ash you are known as the Multi League Champion all around the world so if we were to guess then it would be that you are here to win the Kalos League, am I right ???"

"Yeah that's right and this time I'm here to win it " "Pika Pikachu" The crowd yelled and shouted in excitement .

"So after participating in so many league and of course winning them too, which league did you find the hardest and which one did you love the most ???" Asked the reporter

"Well... all of them were unique, hard and exiting in their own way so I can't really say which one was the hardest or which I liked the most" he said

"Would you like to say anything else to the people who are participating this year in the league"

"Yes, that you should always give your best and never give!!!" the crowd yelled and shouted in excitement and with that Ash waved and took a Taxi to a hotel.

He took off his bag and slumped into the couch and just sat there for a while.

Then he thought that he should put the TV on see what's new, he took the remote to put on the TV and then he saw someone he knew. She had honey colored hair till her waist and bright blue eyes and a nice warm smile. "Serena" Ash thought.

"And that was what happened in the café today. And for the evening new we have something exciting, because most of us knew that she would be coming today " The news reporter said with eagerness "Serena The Kalos Queen just landed in Lumiose city after a long time. It is so nice to have you here again. We still remember your last visit and that beautiful Pokemon moves you displayed when you were here. So Serena what made you come to our beautiful city today???"

"Well I can't believe that its been 1 year since I last visited Lumiose. I here to visit my friends and others and I also wanted give good luck to all those people who are going to participant this year in the Pokemon contest. I hope you the very best and Good Luck Everyone!!!"

And with that she smiled towards the camera, waved and then was going to her car. The paparazzi where following her all the way and then got on her car with Braixen and went.

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