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A puppet came floating through a portal. It was a little boy with six fingers. A black hand grabbed it and begun his work. He cut off the shirt and pants, used scissors and cut the string that was holding the hair in piece. He delicately pulled the long string of brown hair and carefully snipped the button eyes out. He sliced out the the mouth and dumped the stuffing out. The skin was turned inside-out and revealed a lighter skin color. He poured in new stuffing and put it on his desk and prepared his materials. 

He was stringing his needle and began sewing the mouth, delicately and went to his collection of creepy button eyes. A pair of dark yellow button eyes were chosen and were placed carefully to their respective position. He sew through the holes and did a button stitch very well. He also got out a ball of orange-brown yarn and snipped it to pieces of long hair. They were group together and occupied the puppet's head. He got out red flannel cloth and sew it in to a little dress. He also created a gray coat and put it on the puppet. He got out more accessories and put it on it.

He dropped the puppet back to the portal to complete his plan.


It was a gray afternoon in the town of Gravity Falls. A girl by the name of Kathy, was looking through a window of a moving car. She was bored and yawned. Travelling from New Jersey to Oregon was boring and bleak. Mabel told her that the town was fun and exciting, that was so a lie. She moved forward to ask Gideon to have some lunch, but he was too busy driving. She slumped to her seat and found a left over sandwich. Mabel looked back and saw Kathy bored.

"Look Kathy, we grew up in this town, you're going to love it"

"So when can we meet dad, I mean he lives here too." she said, too enthusiastically that she's basically jumping in the car and Gideon got a bit fed up.

"Okay guys settle down, I'm trying to keep my eyes on the road."

"When are you two going to be married?"

"June 18, I thought you memorized my calendar."

"I was busy packing, duh."

They were quiet for the rest of the road. Mabel called her brother and said that they were on their way. Kathy just adjusted her gray coat and read a book. The new Witch's Azura book was amazing and funny. In the last page was a picture of her friends back at New Jersey. Amity and Luz went to so much trouble rearranging letters on the billboard to say 'Good Luck Katherine' on her last day of school. She took a photo with her camera with both of them. There was picture of Willow and Gus in her photo album too.


They arrived at their destination. It was an old shack with fallen pieces of wood but otherwise still a safe place to live. The moving van was parking through the driveway. The three went in the house to clean up a bit. Mabel told Kathy that Pacifica and Mason were living in a lower part of the house. Gideon was signing papers and giving the moving truck guys tips. Kathy wasted no time and asked her if she could meet her father. Then she spilled the beans in the situation.

"Kathy, Lee is emotionally unstable, I don't want you to get hurt." she started to organize her stuff, when Kathy asked her another question.

"Okay, can I go exploring instead?"

Mabel was hesitant at first but Kathy kept going on her until she finally agreed. She went outside and saw the garden. It was gray and filled with mostly dead plants. A certain cubone was watching over her while she was finding a a branch that resembled a dowsing rod. She closed her eyes and followed were the rod was pointing to. The black cat thing was following her and he accidentally dropped some rocks. Kathy heard and she threw a rock at the source. She only just heard a frustrated cat and did not mind it.

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