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As Kathy opened the door, it only didn't show the wall of bricks, but a colorful tunnel with blue, purple and pink lights. Wind through her hair as it glowed. She slapped her to see if she was dreaming and it hurts. It was a bad idea to hit her face so hard. That bruise is so hard. The mouse went inside and went through the door in the other side. 

"Hey mouse, wait up." she said, as she got in the tunnel and portal thing. "Well he's got friends from the other side."

She checked if no one was going to see what she was doing. That would make her in big trouble and cause her more problems. She hesitated at first, but the mouse was getting away and it was very cute, so she went into the tunnel.


She got in the tunnel and crawled through it. It felt like it was breathing. As she got into the other side, she went to another room. She got out and saw the place s same as her house but a bit different. Instead of four snow globes, there were five with one identical to the other one. The picture of the girl wasn't holding a raven, but a key identical to the Mabel used to open with. The color scheme from this place here are also different too. There were bug shaped furniture and lemon scented lamps on scones.

She explored the world a bit. There was large room full of library books. It even has her own favorite categories. Lemons were plentiful and there was a lot of AUs. She went outside to see the house. It wasn't brown, it was bright green with colorful surroundings. There was Dipper and Pazzy's flat turned into a psychic show. The stars were so many in the sky. She went back in to see a swarm of fireflies spelled her name. The scenery is so pretty and awesome. There were pictures of her her everywhere.

There was one of her as a baby, one was her from preschool and kindergarten and one was from that awkward school photo. She got it out and threw it in the trash can. She got into the living room again. There was a couch and it's filled with snacks and drinks that you will only find during movie marathons. The movie was playing. It was her favorite movie, it was about a girl surviving a zombie virus ravaging the world in 2020. She went to another room filled with jewelry. There were many rare pieces of jewelry.

The rest of the house was a museum of artifacts and mysteries. There were crystal balls,  witch staffs and ancient scrolls. This was like the show she used to watch a while back. her grandpa and grandma had it on their trunk of old things. There was was also adult stories that she would rather regret reading at a very young age. She also said it was the last memory of true childhood. That room was holding a cool rings and earrings. But realization hit her like a bullet through a battlefield.

"What is this world?" she said, heading back to the door.

Then she heard humming in the kitchen. It sounded like Mabel, she was quick on her feet and ventured in. She saw Mabel cooking something that smells delicious. Kathy stared in shock, she never seen her cook before.

"Mabel, why are you cooking in the middle of the night?"

She turned around with brown button eyes.

"You're just in time for dinner Kathy."

"You're not Mabel." she was quick to say as she moved forward. "She doesn't have b-b-b-."

"Buttons?" she said finishing her sentence for her. "I'm glad you like them.

Kathy just gasp. It was too freaky. The Mabel she knows does not have any button eye, shiny straight hair and straighter pose. But she go to admit, that "Best Mom" T-shirt she was wearing matches the surroundings and the apron she's wearing. The kitchen was even more happier than it was before. It seems like she was happier and the opposite of the Mabel she knew. She wondered if there was a version of her with the same problem too. The roasted chicken seemed to be so delicious.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2020 ⏰

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