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It was hidden behind the wallpaper, but she could see the outline of it. Kathy got up and called for Mabel.

"Mabel, can you open this weird door please."


In the kitchen, Mabel was finishing a report about the Industrial Revolution. She heard a high pitch voice. Then she ignored it for a while. But Kathy kept on whining about some door she found behind the wallpaper.

"Katherine, I am busy with my project."

"Come on, it will only take like five minutes."

"No, I have better things to do than to see whatever it is that you found."

She stayed quiet and Mabel finally felt at peace. Then the silence was interrupted by a higher, louder, whinier sound.


"Alright fine, after this no more disturbing me, alright?"

"Just open the door."


Mabel got up and found a drawer of keys. One was so old that inscription wasn't too clear to read. She got up to the living room where Kathy sat there with her creepy puppet. She pointed at the small door. Kathy got up next to Mabel to see what's in there. Mabel put the key in the keyhole and twisted it and opened it to reveal a brick of walls. Kathy went from curious to bored and Mabel went back to her report and did not bother to lock up the door because why not. Kathy started playing with the puppet and parcel. 


She went to see Gideon. He was still on his desk working and he looked like he didn't sleep for a year. She asked him if they could have pizza for dinner and he said there was no room in budget for pizza. Kathy left the room and head on outside. Thomas and Arthur were at the library. She wanted more legends to fill the void of boredom. The demon who fell in the well legend was never written in a book. Mildred told her that it was just rumor when the town was progressing.

"Really, like he fell, he must be very clumsy."

"Most people think someone or something pushed him there." she handed a cup of tea and some scones. 'I've been wanting to give something."

She handed her a green stone with a hole. Kathy couldn't help but seen something like that before but couldn't place her finger. Mildred explained it was an adder stone. She read something about this in a book once. These stones possess charms that can help you. Kathy thought the stone is beautiful and it reminded her of a snake sometimes. 

"You know my father, Stanley Pines right?"

"Yes dear, we used to go to school here." she said handing her a group photo. "He came out screaming that his brother and his friend were kidnapped."

"What did they do to him?"

"We sent him to the hospital for a check-up and last year before that has the same incident, those poor Clawthornes lost one of their daughters, we knew there was something wrong with this town."

"Wait mom also had the same thing too."

Mildred looked very shock, then he realized why she came to an orphanage at a young age. She comforted the young girl. Thomas told her that the shack was cursed for some reason. Mabel came int the library while they were talking. She said that she'll buy a new uniform for her since there's a sale for gardening season. She bid the woman goodbye and head out.


Kathy was sitting at one of the stairs of the clothes store. Apparently, there was a big line for the sale, so they had to go home. Gideon was cooking pineapple casserole and Kathy hated pineapple. The only thing that she like pineapple on is pizza.

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