Going Public

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After telling the roster, the main squad( the main squad aka cast will be alexa, braun,dante from another book, liv, the IIconics, bayley, finn, and the Brooks bros. Everyone is a couple except for billie kay and Lamarr but i will get to that.) decide to do a Steven universe marathon watch party on YouTube leading up to the Steven Universe movie.

Everyone is sitting in the brothers' home theater. The sitting order is this:

Front Row: Lamont, Peyton, Finn, Bayley
Second Row:Lamarr, Billie, Dante, Liv
Third and last row: Braun and alexa.

Lamont: Welcome My kingdom, it's yo boy King Junior and I'm with here my brother Lamarr but on YouTube you know him as Dark Wolf.

Lamarr:What's up wolf pack.
Lamont: The IIconics.

IIconics simultaneously: IICONIC!

Lamont:The Role Model Bayley.

Bayley: Hey kids.

Lamont: The demon King Finn Balor.

Finn: Too Sweet.

Lamont: my mentor, Mr. Airplane Mode himself Dante Ward.

Dante: hey guys.

Lamont: wwe's Harley Quinn, Liv Morgan.

Liv: liv your life.

Lamont while flexing: Braun Strowman.

Braun: what's up.

Lamont: and last but not least the goddess, Alexa Bliss.

Alexa: Hi.

Lamont: Today we are doing a Steven Universe Marathon Watch party, which is funny cuz the IIconics didn't watch it.

Peyton:the first season just didn't get my attention, it seemed too goofy.

Lamont:it's actually cool if you get to season 2. Now let's start

Around season the middle of season 3. The viewers start to notice Lamont and Peyton snuggled up against each other and start bombarding the chat with them wanting answers. Lamont looks down at his phone and sees the chat, then looks up at the camera.

Lamont: As a matter of fact, Me and Peyton are dating.

Peyton: That's right kingdom, you now have a queen, an Iconic queen.

Everyone laughs.

Liv: that's so corny.

After a few minutes, they went back to the show.

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