What are they afraid of?

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Clownfish, when he was a kid he saw Finding Nemo and he loved it at first but then he had a nightmare where Marvin tried to kidnap him as a ransom to trade for Nemo. He screamed so loud it woke the whole house up and Cole came running in ready to protect his brother, he wasn't happy when he found out what happened. On a more serious note, he's also afraid of misleading people again and sometimes he still blames himself for what happened at Caledonia. 

The ocean, it's just so big and powerful and deep, and just thinking about it makes him get goosebumps, he hates the feeling of being so small and helpless

He's been afraid of thunderstorms since he was little, his Dad would hit him if he came to their room to seek comfort. It's unnerving to see him scared and when there are thunder and lightning every noise makes his body seize up like he's still expecting to get hit, you hate seeing him like that and you always hold him and tell him how much you love him. 

Is afraid of needles, testing equipment, hospitals, and pretty much anything else medical. All of those things remind him of the time he spent locked up and screaming and begging his father to let him go. 

Loud noises, silence, small spaces, violence, and the dark. All these things remind him of his childhood and honsetly all he wants is to forget it all. Most of the time he's pretty happy and he's always distracted during the day but sometimes at night he still cries. 

Erasing peoples memories on accident and having to use her powers to help the League, most of all shes afraid of becoming the monster most people already mak her out to be. 

Is afraid of losing people she cares about, you in particular. She is also worried she won't be enough and that is why she pushes herself so hard in everything she does. 

Nico's fears are pretty much the same as yours but you work through them together and he always manages to make you happy even when everything seems so dark. 

Ever since what happened with his parents Gabe has always been worried that he's not doing something he should be, He tends to fret over little things and can be a little overbearing in his love for you. Sometimes it's a bit much but you know it's just because he doesn't want you to feel alone. 

He's scared of his own powers same as you but he once admitted that even more than his powers his imagination terrifies him. Even though it's why he survived in the first place he's tried to explain that the brilliant stories and colors are brighter than reality but the shadows are also darker. You don't fully understand this yourself but you always try to be there for him. 

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