Your best friend

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Zu is your best friend in the world, you've both been through a lot and even though she's younger than you, you bonded a lot when you were all together in black Betty. Sleepovers were a common occurrence (sometimes you even blew Liam off to hang with Zu) she's like the little sister you never had and you even created your own alphabet so no one could read the notes you wrote each other. 

Liam is pretty much your older brother, annoying, protective, funny, and did you mention annoying? Without him, you would never have any popcorn fights! And at the end of the day, it doesn't matter how much he gets on your nerves because you both love each other. 

Cole is not your only friend but he's certainly your best friend. You've always had trouble connecting to people on a deeper level and while you are generally liked you always feel trapped by the fact that people don't see who you are underneath all the masks you wear. Cole is the only person who really knows you and you are everything to each other. 

Clancy is your best friend because you're a bit shy and very antisocial, you like who you like, and that's that. He finds it very endearing and he relates deeply.  

You're honestly friends with everyone and don't really have a particularly dominant friendship in your life (unless we're counting Jude) 

Vida, the two of you grew up together even before this whole mess started and somehow you've managed to meet up again after years of separation. Even though a lot has changed and you are very different people now you will always care about each other and your friendship is a reminder that something from your old life has survived.  

Nico granted the kids really different than you but he's smart, fun, and easygoing which can be a relief after Vida's endless sarcasm. You love her but it can be a lot, sometimes it just helps to race remote control cars around HQ to blow off some steam. 

You guys pretty much just stick together, after years trapped together you both struggle with PTSD and are easily triggered. Most of the time being around other people is too stimulating and you prefer Nico's quiet company. 

You're really good friends with Cate, she's the only other adult around and you guys are about the same age which is a nice change of pace after being surrounded by kids all the time. You love being around someone you don't have to worry about so much and the two of you have a decent amount in common. 

Cole, he understands what it's like to be red but he has been able to retain more humor and memories for having not gone through the training programs. It's a perfect balance between the dark and the light with him. And even after everything you've been through Cole makes you laugh. 

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