Where they like to kiss you

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Lips, he loves to give you a brief kiss on the lips and a smile to remind you how much he loves you. He especially does this when he's proud of you (so pretty much constantly.)

The top of your head, he's not much taller than you so when he's walking by or you guys are standing around he will sometimes lean in and press a quick kiss to your hair. 

Forehead because you're so much shorter than him that he jokes about it being the only place he can reach. When you're in private he is way more affectionate and loves to kiss your face, neck, chest, and collarbones. 

Hands, whenever you've been apart he comes up to you and kisses your knuckles or the palm of your hand. 

Anywhere, Jude really doesn't have a favorite spot just as long as he's close to you he'll be content with anywhere he can reach. 

Cheek, it's simple and quick but it's a constant reminder of how much she loves you. 

Lips, in her opinion it's the most passionate and she loves to make you feel good. and embarrassed. She has a habit of just walking up to you and kissing you aggressively only to pull away with a sarcastic comment and leave you standing disoriented in the hallway.  

Shoulder, before you got out your moments together were limited and now that you can be close to each other you're practically attached at the hip. After everything you've gone through you're always holding each other and he usually rests his face on your shoulder. 

He is pretty traditional and sticks to kissing your lips but once he discovered that your stomach was ticklish he started kissing you there when you were alone, mostly to make you laugh. 

He kisses your scars, you both have too many and at night when you can't sleep he will press his lips to any scar he can reach. He also kisses the scar on your neck constantly. It's just reassuring to you because you know the scars don't bother him and that he can love even your darkest parts. 

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