Pearl Harbor

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“I told you, I’m better at volley than you are. Now give me my ten bucks.”

Jules, nineteen years of age, smiling, shirtless, sweating, was slamming Rake’s shoulder with his right palm. That was the first time Jules has ever beaten Rake in a sport game.

“Fuck you, man. I beat you ten times. This is the first time you won, don’t be such a dick about it.”

Rake handled Jules the ten dollars and scooped his shirt. The beach was creamed with nice, yellowy sand. 

They sat on the edge of the beach, drinking their beverages, looking directly at the busy military harbor at the end of the skyline. The morning sky lied over their eyes with such amazing scenery.

“Should we, you know, help Mr. Vasquez about his garden problem rather than just sit here drinking diabetes?” Jules asked after sipping his coke. The beach was still so empty.

“Nah. Monday is fun day. No need to worry about a complaining neighbor.”

“True, but I do need to drive my sister to her ‘model contest’ thingy.”

“A what?”

“It’s a fashion, modeling competition stuff.”

“Your sister, Ava, will do modeling?”

“Don’t be so surprised.”

“But I am surprised. Happy, actually. Can I come?”


“Nice. I’m just surprised with the fact that Ava agreed. She’s shy, right? Or the Ava I knew morphed into a brave, attractive celebrity?”

“Haha, no man. She said she wants to get out of her comfort zone. Said it’s good for the future and stuff.”

“Ah, she grew. She should do singing contests next. I’m happy for her, though. Amazing news this is. I always have a crush on her.” Immediately, Rake realized what he had say and wanted to pull it back to his mouth. But Jules already heard it. It just came out without him realizing it.

“Say what?”

“Nothing. I commented on the beautifulness of your sister, that’s fucking it.”

“You have a crush on Ava?”

Rake paused. “Well, maybe… yes, okay, yes. I do. I−”

“She’s fifteen. You’re nineteen.”

“Yeah, but four years isn’t really that big of a gap, Jules.”

“It is if you’re still a teen. Besides, no one wants to have a relationship with you. You’re ugly as an ogre.”

Rake cudgeled Jules’ head.

“Ouch, dude. Now I will never allow you to get near her.”

Rake smirked and threw the bottle of his coke toward the pavement behind him. It almost hit a jogging girl, but when Jules looked, she probably didn’t even realize the coke almost sprang her leg. It clattered to the ground right beside her.

The girl was looking to the horizon.

Rake got curious and shook his face toward the sight the girl was seeing.

Jules did the same.

Rake didn’t seem very concerned. “Cool, never seen so many planes fleeting the skyline like that before.”

But something was odd. Not three seconds after Rake’s convenient words, one of the ships in the armada blew up, shooting a huge chunk of fire to the sky. The planes were attacking the fleet. Those were bombers.

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