Our Future Days

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Himari never came out of the house in Detroit. People would judge, mock, and bully her for being an Asian. She was stuck inside a prison again, unable to move around freely because every American would be like those GLF or Japanese guards, keeping her inside all the time and abusing her every now and then.

Jules decided to move to Portugal for a couple of years until Cortland recalled them and told them they could move back to his haven.

They rented a small apartment, small and cheap. Jules picked up flowers for Himari every week, the one he loved most. John visited him a time or two.

Jules showed Himari his favorite flower they talked a while back about. The Iris subbiflora.

Life was freeing. For the first time ever, Jules felt as himself. He was a fun, enthusiastic being who was always surrounded by the persons he loved. That was Jules before the war broke up. The war turned him into a fragile, suicidal, stressed human being with everyone he loved died. Now, the war had ended. He was reborn… transformed into a loving adult with a woman to take care of him until the day he died.

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