Stressed Out

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It had been almost four months of living without seeing Himari once. Hal carved the stone wall on his cell every day to notice how much days had passed since they first got there. It’d been exactly one year and two months. They’d been sitting there, seeing nothing but corpses for that long.

It felt like everything had started back to square one. It really felt like Jules had just been transported into that big Cathedral at night, and was thrown into the blackness of the dungeon without any chance of escaping.

But good news came early before breakfast. The good news was the first they ever got since they entered those walled cells.

Two soldiers entered the dungeon, escorting a thin, taller man with similar trench coat to the one Yamako had. He had an amazing jawline and was built-up better than the tyrannical monster.

He put his poker face on, and obviously he was an important man.

“So these are the infamous Americans Yamako kept alive?”

His English was way more flawless than Yamako’s. He also spoke clearly without extra spit that the old corporal always had.

“Who the hell are you?” John asked as he was the closest.

“I’m the new commander of this facility. I don’t like formalities and introductions, but I will replace Corporal Yamako Tagashi.”

Those words just didn’t make any sense. He did what? 

This can’t be real.

Where’s Yamako going to go? Who’s gonna torture us every day if he’s gone?

“Great, can you execute us now?” Hal’s voice sounded so hopeful that he finally could exit his endless misery. 

“No, no, I’m also not that type of soldier. Trust me, I can be your friend if I want to.”

Something felt odd about the guy. How can a war expert such as Yamako wanted to be replaced by this stupid junkie who also tries to befriend us?

“No thanks,” Asher replied.

“Suit yourself.”

The commander was about to strike out of the place, but Jules reached his bars and threw him a question.

“Where’s Yamako?”

The commander stopped. “He’s been called for commanding the legion attack on the resistance movement in Salatiga, near Semarang. His superior wanted him to be in charge of the new platoon. Now if you’ll excuse me.”

“Why won’t you kill us? We’re just burdens.”

The man shook his head in despair. “Because I choose not to.”

And just like that, the iron door behind him closed again, retrieving the six men into darkness. The new commander, not even introducing himself, walked out of the place like he was disgusted by every inch of the place.

The good news would be that Yamako wasn’t around anymore. The bad news was there would be a big chance that this man was way harsher and more brutal than the fat corporal.

When the food came, their eyes bleached out so many tears, it looked almost heavenly. They were joyful tears.

On the tray was rice with one piece of fried chicken on top of them. The rice’s portion was also almost double the usual, and the plates to serve them were surprisingly cleaner.

But Jules and John were so scared upon touching the too good to be true foods. They were so hesitant.

Everyone already finished their meals but the two still stared at each other with suspicion and care. The foods might contain poison or some sort.

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