Chapter 1

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You hear the whistling of the kettle on the stove. You are in desperate need for a coffee. You haven't slept yet. You get up from your chair at your desk and walk to your kitchenette to make a quick coffee. You just finished pouring the milk into your mug when you hear a firm knock at your door. Who could this be, you just want to enjoy your coffee. You put your mug down at your desk and head for your dorm room door. You start to open the door when you catch a glimpse of who is standing there. Your heart starts to race.

You open your door quickly, "Tony Stark. What are you..."?

You didn't have time to finish your sentence as he walked past you and headed for your desk. Tony hasn't spoken a word to you yet. He starts to rummage through the papers scattered on your desk, you are preparing for an exam later that week.

"Studying computer programming I see. A very useful skill these days." Tony keeps picking up papers and examining them. You stand at your door still not knowing what to do or say.

"I know what you did." You stomach drops. How did Tony find out you hacked S.H.I.E.L.D? Well, he was bound to find out eventually. You stare at Tony now, "I.... I..." you can't get any words out.

"Look, I could use someone like you on my team." Tony hands you his business card, "Think it over and call me." You stare at his business card as he leaves. You were holding onto the door the whole time. You start to close the door, still staring at the card. You can't seem to process what just happened.

You walk back to your desk and sit down, the card still in your hand. You haven't taken your eyes off it. You suddenly remember your coffee and take a sip. Everything that just happened playing over in your mind again and again.

You look over at your phone. It was late. You pack up your study notes and head for bed. You pick up Tony's business card as you head for your bed. You sit on your bed looking down at the it again. Could you really work for Tony Stark? Was this real? Was he actually impressed with your skills? You lay in bed and place the business card next to your phone. These questions playing through your mind till you drifted off to sleep.

You wake up, thinking what happened the previous day was all a dream or a coffee fuelled hallucination. You check your phone for the time and see Tony's business card next to it. It definitely wasn't a dream. You pick it up and look at it, contemplating what you should do. If you don't ring him you will finish university and try find a job in your field, probably living a mundane life. On the other hand, if you ring him, you have a fantastic job opportunity and would live a pretty exciting life alongside him and the rest of the Avengers. You sit with these two scenarios for a moment. You pick up your phone and start to dial his number. You take a big deep breath before ringing.

"Tony, I accept your offer."

"Fantastic, Y/N. I'll send a car immediately to pick you up." You hear Tony hang up. You sit there for a moment trying to contain your excitement. You can't any longer. You jump on top of your bed and start dancing and excitedly screaming, you can't believe what you just accepted.

You quickly realise that you need to pack. You jump down from your bed, almost hitting your head on the roof. You drag your suitcase out from under your bed and start to frantically grab clothes to pack. This was the quickest you have ever packed.

You open your door to your dorm room, ready to leave. You take one last look inside, saying goodbye to your old life and mentally checking off your belongings making sure you have everything. You close the door. Goodbye university life.

You walk off campus and see a black Mercedes, someone was leaning up against it, "Y/N?"


"I've been asked by Tony to take you to the Avengers Compound. I'm Happy." He shakes your hand and opens the passenger door for you. You get in as Happy takes your suitcase and puts it in the boot of the car.

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