Chapter 28

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Bucky is frantically brushing your hair out of your face as you start to wake up, "Y/N. what happened? Are you ok?", you hear Bucky ask you as you open your eyes, staring up at him. "Bucky...what...what happened?", you ask him, "How did I get here? We were only back there a moment ago." You turn around, still in Bucky's arms, and notice all the guards lie dying or severely injured. More cars flipped over than before. Some explosions still going off. "Did I do that?", you ask Bucky. Steve walks up to and looks down at you, "Well...some of it." Peter lands softly next to Steve, "The tower is mostly clear Captain. Just Marko up on the top floor with more guards." "Thanks kid.", Steve says to Peter. You look up towards the top floor for a moment, contemplating what you should do. Do you call it quits for the day and head back to the jet? Or do you go up and confront Marko? He wants you anyways, why not just give him what he wants.

You struggle to stand. Bucky holds onto you, helping you up. You hear Tony come over the earpiece, "Y/N, I think you're done. You have done a great job. Bucky, take them back to the jet." Steve puts an arm around your shoulder to help you back to the jet. You brush him and Bucky off you, "No. I need to finish this. I need answers.", you firmly say. There is silence for a moment. No one said anything. Then you hear Tony quietly over your earpiece, he sighs, "Ok." Everyone starts to move closer to the tower now, coming to your aid if need be. Vision and Sam land near you, Steve and Bucky. "Sam and I will take you and Bucky up.", Vision states. Vision places his arms under yours and wraps his hands around your shoulders as he lifts you up off the ground, gracefully. You look down as you see Bucky and Sam arguing over how Sam was going to lift Bucky up. Sam finally gets Bucky to cooperate as he lifts him up the same way Vision picked you up. Bucky looks up at you with an annoyed expression on his face. You chuckle quietly to yourself. It was definitely a sight to see.

You and Vision get to the top floor, but he waits there for Sam and Bucky to go in through the window first. Bucky and Sam break through one of the top floor windows and start to shoot at the guards protecting Marko, who has locked himself in one of the offices. You see them start to throw guards from the top floor windows. You watch as the fall through the air and hit the ground below. You look back up at Bucky who is standing near the window look down also. He looks back up at you and gestures for Vision to bring you in. Vision floats towards the broken window and gently places you between Bucky and Sam. You turn slightly and watch as Vision backs away. He gives you a little nod as if to say, 'you'll be alright.' You turn back and look at both Sam and Bucky and nod at them. You all start to walk from office to office, kicking down doors and scanning the rooms for Marko. You approach one and try to turn the doorknob. It's locked. This must be the room Marko is hiding in. You put your ear to the door and hear a quiet commotion behind it. People shuffling around. You gesture to Bucky to kick the door down. Bucky walks beside you and gently moves you out of the way. He kicks the door down, and Sam quickly shoots the two guards who are in the room with Marko.

You and Bucky walk into the room. Sam keeps guard at the door. You see Marko sitting behind a desk positioned in the middle of the room near a window. He doesn't seem fazed by what just happened. You and Bucky walk up to him guns drawn. You point yours at his head. He looks up at you and smiles. Why is he smiling? Did he know this would happen? Why does it seem like he is happy to see you? "Why me?", you ask him, "Why did you do this to me? There is more to it than me stealing your files, isn't there?" Marko doesn't answer you. He starts to get up from his chair, but Bucky is quick to press his gun against his head and gesture to him to sit back down, "They asked you a question. Answer them.", Bucky says sternly. You stare Marko down, waiting for an answer. He chuckles, "Don't you see. You are the perfect assassin, Y/N. Rage takes over and you destroy everything and everyone in your path. Then you wake with no memory of what you did. And may I say...a much better fighter than your father ever was." What did he just say? You don't remember your father much at all. It's like he; and most of your childhood, was wiped from your memory somehow. A shocked expression forms across your face. You see Bucky look at you with almost exactly the same expression. You could only think what could be going through his mind; through Sam's mind too. Through everyone's mind really.

Marko leans back in the chair and looks over at Bucky, "You are just like the Winter Soldier. But we don't need to reset you all the time." You look over at Bucky who is getting noticeably uncomfortable. You can see the anger in his eyes. You have had your gun pointed at Marko the whole time, never lowering it once. You look down at Bucky's hand, his finger is moving towards the trigger. You quickly look at Marko then back to Bucky and make a split second decision. You pull your trigger before Bucky gets a chance to. The bullet lodges itself in Marko's head, killing him instantly. You lower you gun and take a few steps back. Bucky turns to you, "Y/N?" You turn to face Bucky and look up at him, "You are not the Winter Soldier anymore. You are James Buchanan Barnes. And you mean the world to me." A tear rolls down your cheek as Bucky pulls you close and kisses you hard. "Come on guys. Right in front of me.", you hear Sam say annoyed at the two of you for your public display of affection. You pull away from Bucky and laugh at Sam. You find it funny that Sam chose now to speak up, not when you shot a man at point blank range or when you found out your father had something to do with HYDRA. "Shut up flyboy.", Bucky says jokingly as he pulls you back in for another kiss just to piss Sam off. You laugh through the kiss. Bucky pulls away and hugs you, "I'm glad you haven't lost that laugh with everything that has happened."

You, Bucky and Sam walk out of the office, leaving Marko's dead body slumped in the chair. You walk back to the window where you entered the top floor. Vision floats back down to greet you at the window. He smiles at you. You smile back. You walk up to the edge of the window and turn around so Vision can lift you up and take you back down to the street to meet with the rest of the team. Sam quickly grabs Bucky this time and flies hastily back down to the street. Vision gently places you back on the street and floats down to stand next to you. Bucky walks over to stand next to you also. The rest of the team approach you, waiting out the front of the tower. You look around at them all. Wanda and Natasha are concerned for you and the information you just heard. Peter and Scott seem slightly confused and frightened of you now; they don't know what to do with the information they just heard. Clint, Steve, Bruce and Tony don't really show any emotion, you can tell they are worried about you though. Tony walks up to you, but before he has a chance to say anything, you but in, "Well, Marko has been taken care of. I know you said not to kill him...but...well...shit happens." Tony is taken aback, but doesn't question you about any of it, he just nods at you. He places a hand on your shoulder and just looks at you. You don't need him to say anything. This gesture is enough for now. Tony turns and starts to walk back down the street, back to the jets. You all follow, expect Scott. "So, we are just going to ignore what was said up there?", he questions everyone. No one answers him. You all continue to walk back to the jets. You start to hear Scott running towards the team, "Guys...wait for me.", he yells.

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