Chapter 8

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You start to wake up. Your arm still in a lot of pain. You reach for your phone to check the time; it's later than you usually get up. You definitely needed that sleep though. You lay in bed for a bit just going through your phone. Checking your social media accounts. You haven't really had any free time to just relax lately. You suddenly hear a knock at the door. You slowly push yourself up and out of bed. You walk to the door, holding your arm, and open it to see Natasha standing there with breakfast for you, "Thought you might be hungry." You smile at her and let her in. She walks in and places the breakfast tray on the dining table and then turns around to give you an apologetic hug, "I'm so sorry for leaving you in that lab by yourself. You weren't ready. I still don't understand why Tony thought you would be ready." You cut her off before she could keep apologising, "Nat. It's ok. I'm fine. I'm alive still." "But you still have so much more training to do.", Natasha exclaimed. "And we will get to it. Just sit down and eat with me."

You both sit down at the dining table and start to eat the pancakes that Natasha made. You are almost finished with them when Natasha picks up a leather notebook, "This is from Bucky. He thought it might do you some good to write everything down. He says it helps him." She hands you the notebook and you give it a quick look over and thank her for bringing it to you. She seemed to be ok with your growing relationship with Bucky; you just had to worry about Tony. She got up from table and gave you a little peck on your forehead and left you to finish eating your pancakes.

You just finished eating your pancakes when you get a phone call; it's Tony. "Y/N, I'm sorry for putting you in harm's way yesterday. But I need you to come down to the lab and take a look at these files and help me and Bruce decode some...when you feel ready of course." You sigh, you just wanted to rest today, "Alright Tony. I'll be down later." You hang up and place your phone down next to you on the table. You sit there for a moment or two with your head in your hands staring at your empty plate. You know you need to have a shower. You get up from the table and grab the leather notebook Bucky gifted you. You take it into the bedroom and gently throw it onto the bed, but it bounces off the bed and lands on the floor. You pick it up and notice a piece of paper fall out of it. You pick it up and open it. It's a note from Bucky. You sit down on your bed and start to read:

'Y/N I'm sorry about what happened to you yesterday. Tony should have never put you in harm's way like that. He only thinks of himself and his work. I hope you are feeling alright though and I hope your arm is healing up well. If you ever need to talk to someone, don't hesitate to knock on my door. With the notebook, I thought it might help you to write down what happens on missions and your feelings about anything. I found that to help me out most when I'm trying to remember things. All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you.  Get better soon and rest up. See you around.'

He cares about you and remembers your favourite book quote. He was listening to you. You hold the note to your chest and lay down on the bed. You lay there for a bit till you remember that you need to get dressed and see Tony in the lab. You place the note on your bedside table and get up and head for the bathroom. You still have your dirty uniform on from yesterday, the right arm cut off though so Tony could mend your arm. You take it off and throw it to the side; you need to ask Tony for a new uniform now. You get into the shower and wash your hair and yourself, your right arm stinging and throbbing occasionally when you lift it up.

You get out, dry yourself off and grab a pair of black track pants and a white t-shirt. You really can't be bothered looking good today. Comfort is the way to go. You put on a pair of black ballet flats and head for the lab to see Tony.

You walk into the lab and see Tony and Bruce working on decoding the files about HYDRA. Tony sees you coming and gets up from his computer right away, "Y/N, I'm sorry for what I put you through yesterday. You were definitely not ready to go on missions yet." Bruce notices you are getting uncomfortable with Tony being overly apologetic. "Y/N. Take a look at what we have found so far.", Bruce pulls your attention away from Tony and to the HYDRA files. You walk over to Bruce to take a look at his computer. You are in shock at what you read. HYDRA has been experimenting with a new super soldier serum. They have been unsuccessful so far. Thankfully; but it only takes one successful candidate for them mass produce it and create more super soldiers. Tony asks you to stay for a bit and help him and Bruce decode more files. You agree and get to work.

You have been working on decoding the files for a few hours now. You are starting to yawn now. This is tiring work. Tony notices you starting to yawn, "Y/N. Why don't you get some rest? Me and Bruce will continue tonight and see you back here in the morning." You nod and say good night to the both of them and start to walk back to your room to sleep. You get to your room and notice a singular black rose at the foot of the door. You pick it up and give it a quick smell. You are pleasantly surprised. It smells so sweet for a black rose; you were expecting it to smell muskier. You have an inkling of who it might be from. Bucky. You open your door and walk into your kitchen. You find large glass and fill it with water and place the rose into it. You take the flower into your bedroom and place it on your bedside table next to the note from Bucky. You feel certain that he feels the same way about you as you do for him.

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