Chapter 3

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We need to talk.....

The voice sounded like Hamza, every time he tried his stupid prank on me. As he did last December, I took my family out to Vizas theme park, he called with an unknown number claiming my house is on fire. But I know Hamza so well, he can't speak a straight sentence without sniffing his nose like a drug novice. I almost believed the caller but he sniffed just before hanging the call. I texted his other line "waka 3x"

I drove hurriedly to Minister's house, Mama A'ee was already at the front door waiting for me. I parked off the car pouch and we went inside.

Ya haka, mey ya faru? she asked

I sat quiet for some milliseconds, recapturing the images of how it happened.

Before I began she had already widened her eyes as if to shout at me to speak. I am this type that do not capture things when they first happen but my memory replay it over and over to get every detail.

By the time I began to speak I have recaptured everything.

Mama... and sighed

I began with "muna hanya ne when A'ee's condition worsened, I gave her the Seretide and two Aminophylin tablets and off the car AC. Few minutes later she felt better and slept on the back seat while Sameera in the front. This tinted black van came with speed from nowhere and overtook us, the next thing I saw the driver parked just few distance from us. Sai na kama break instantly, at that moment I knew something was wrong so I tried to reverse and get away that's when I hit another tinted black van behind us.

Kawai they opened their cars almost at the same time and ran out like rambos ready for war. I remained calm and they now pulled out guns with their black masks that only their red eyes can be seen. One of them came towards Sameera's window and pointed the gun, who seemed like the leader, he wore red inner shirt with black jacket while the rest wore black body-hug rubber long sleeves. I opened the door and they forcefully threw me out of my car. I was already sweating, confused and scared when they removed Sameera off her seat, she remained calm, that has always been the best of her.

The leader moved towards the van in front doing what seem like answering a call from the black car speakers, I stood and rushed to catch Sameera that was when the other guy from the van behind held my shirt and grabbed my right shoulder, I then hit him with my left palm in the face and in the process cut him by the cheek with my nail.

He held a local pistol totally different from his colleagues' and hit me with it on the left side of my forehead. And so I went off and when I woke it was completely silent. No Van's, no Mama, no Aisha nor did any car passed.

I was finishing my last sentence when tears rolled down like water from a dripping sachet water.

Kacika son Sameeran nan, duk har duniya ta sani. I have told you many times, people have dark hearts with envy, hatred and betrayal.

Walid, she called my name with soft tone this time. kwantar da hanlinka, everything will be alright Inshaa Allah. My daughters will return to you safely.

Mama A'ee son yara bai yawa in har ba lalatasu akayiba. I finally replied

I lost my mother when I was 8 and baba never remarried. Since knowing mama A'ee, talking to her makes me feel like her son, she actually took me like the son she never had. Mama A'ee is this very kind mothers with hard ways of showing it, she can slap and scold you right now and pamper you the next second. Aisha took a lot from her, the height; my Aisha is tall almost as me and taller than most ladies, not fat, slim nor skinny, she is just in-between. She is brown with long black hair, the fulani type. She is strong like trained men with soft palms and smooth skin that always glow and her face averagely long and pretty with beautiful eyes and annoying pointed nose. Since having Sameera I have forgotten how beautiful my wife is, the beauty of my daughter is beyond measure. She is the female version of me, I resemble my mum that I have seen in pictures and baba always say it. He will begin with, you have these long eyelashes, perfect jaws and female eyes that aren't that sexy but really beautiful, you are tall like me and fair skinned like your mother. So when Sameera had these characteristics she simply just look like my deceased mother, may God forgive her.

All this while me and mama A'ee were talking, Nazeera was in the sitting room together with us, on phone with that her stupid boyfriend Sanusi, one annoying Hausa-ibira, God knows I dislike that boy, yes boy cause he behave like a twisted kid. Imagine in this time of trial she is there talking to that fool and laughing like a drunk cow. She was close to the television when I finished and she noticed anger from my face and quickly cut the call saying "later" from the movement of her lips. Already her mother was bleeding inside as regards this kidnapping and she doing that in my presence added salt to a fresh wound, as she came close mama A'ee, mama dropped a sound slap on her forehead that sounded like stainless steel cup falling from the kitchen shelf.

My problem with you, you don't regard other people... Mama A'ee spoke

And stood up looking up as she does when she is upset then went straight to the inner veranda with a small jug, the one she gave Sameera her granddaughter a mango juice, bribing her to resume school with a good attitude. It has been laying on the table since morning until now, and by the time she came back Nazeera had apologised to me. I sat there like fixed deposit, quiet and exhausted, waiting for their call again. Me and Nazeera doesn't get too along even from the unset, she has this scary love for worldly things, forming slay queen all the time, something I dislike.

Her phone rang again and she went inside the dining room which is by the right separated from the sitting room by strings of colourful beads.

I was there thinking, in pain and waiting for the monsters to call her back.

When Mama A'ee returned, her mood had changed, slightly better than before. Nazeera joined us and sat beside her mother, the large sitting room was silent, unlike it as the television is always loud.

My phone rang, the monsters again, so I thought. I prayed and then answered.


Yes Mr. Walid. It's Bola, your secretary.

Bola? I shouted, I thought I told you not to call me after 5pm.

Yes sir, it's that new project. I just got the mail, we secured it.

Ok... Bola, I will call you tomorrow.

Mtseww I hissed and sighed after it ended. 

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