chapter 1|

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The universe had many ways of making it known that an individual had been chosen for something by a higher power, whether that be in a dream, a gut feeling or a prophecy.

Or for the unfortunate, it might appear as having a seizure in the middle of serving drinks and waking up from a nightmare in the room of the one you hate the most. The world just sucks like that sometimes.

As Keziah came too the cool colours of the room he was in blurred in front of his face as he sat up blinking to try and clear the fog from his sight it was a clear giveaway he wasn't in the stable, he was somewhere in the main house still. And as his vision cleared he almost wished it hadn't as the blonde in front of him became clear, of course she had to have been the one to find him.

"Oh finally. You're awake for real not just going on about some crap." Her voice was annoying, like he had purposely collapsed.
"Now what happened when you were spazzing out like a freak?."

"Give me a moment Nora." The green skinned boy said as he sat up with an unhappy expression wrinkling his nose at the flowery scent that the room reeked of, looking around to avoid having to answer her, taking in the cool blue and green tones of her room, why where their so many pillows? Their was no way anyone needed that many.

At another glare from the girl he sighed before starting to speak in a pretty neutral tone, "I probably just collapsed from the heat because someone kept me busy all day and wouldn't let me get water or have breakfast. Then I had a dream like thing about a lake filled with water and saying I was picked for something."

Noras brain barely skipped a beat as it crossed and uncrossed some wires to arrive at, what to the girl was a logical answer.

"Well obviously you aren't the chosen one. No one would pick you to do anything, you just had to pass the message along to me." She stated as Keziah stared at her looking shocked for a second at how completely stupid that explanation was before letting it go and shrugging.


Siles was getting awfully tired of being talked to, of course he always was, didn't matter if it was 1 person saying hello or if it was a day like today, where he was trying to run errands and half the city suddenly had a story to tell him.

As he stepped into the door of his families household the smell of bread overwhelmed him as did the heat, somehow it managed to be hotter inside then out. He set down the food he had bought at the market, shrivelled looking vegetables that might be enough for Ashren, his sister to make something for dinner.

Ashren turned around calling out a greeting to him with a smile as matty, the youngest child ran over to Siles hugging the man who grinned.

"wanna hear the story my teacher told us today." Matty excitedly asked as Siles internally groaned. Another story, you have to be kidding? He nodded anyways not wanting to upset his younger brother as matty instantly began to speak.

"And then, the warrior saved the city! and brought whatever was wanted to the people along with rain to end the drought!" Matty finished maybe 10 minutes later Siles having been throwing out random words such as "cool", "wow" and nodding along the entire time. His brain was working overtime, this story was a new one to Siles, and with the amount of repetition in school. That didn't happen much. Every story he had been told that day was lining up inside his brain, in a way he wished it wouldn't. Stories always meant something... Didn't they?


Maisie was pretty sure she was going insane, not in a I've misplaced something way, in a panicked hearing things as the world blurred around you way.

The dark haired girl was currently sitting in an alleyway, trying to ground herself, her palms were pressed against the ground as she tried to count the dust covered pebbles and make her self calm down. First her breathing, then her brain.

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