chapter 2

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As the orange tinted sun rose over the long dead forest the wind once again started to pick up, the angry red clouds that had settled in the distance the night before started to once again make a steady path towards the town, another dust storm approaching the town. Ready to coat it in the thick layer that never was fully able to brush off the surfaces off a house or get out of ones clothing.

The night before, under the stars and sky that appeared as cold as the night was Nora and Keziah had set off.

"Nora. you don't need all of this, we're not going somewhere where you need shoes like that. We are walking, to some island in the middle of a rocky, dusty area." Keziah tried to explain for the 8th time, he was counting. He didn't have anything better to do.

"Its not like it matters. Your ugly horse can carry everything i need. Actually thinking about it, i can ride it." She said but put the sandals she had attempted to bring back on her bed with a sigh before flipping her head towards the ground to tie her long blonde hair up in a neatly coiled bun.

"what are you waiting for let's go." She said impatiently, as if she hadn't been the one packing for hours as she started towards the main doors of the house. Leaving Keziah to stumble after her with her multiple bags held in his scrawny green arms. He could barley see having stacked them up in a questionable manner bumping into the wall of the house earning a glare from Nora which he responded too by scowling, mouthing a few choice words at her back when she turned around.

By the time the pair had gotten to the stable they were both in a worse mood then at the start of the whole process with nora immediately starting to complain about the smell of the building as she petted her horse, stopping as soon as it's light fur started to cover the girls dark clothing.

Keziah on the other hand took a deep breath of the sweet warm feeling air feeling comforted by the familiarity before he started down the row of stalls taking time to pet the horses that stuck their noses out at the sight of him, expecting their normal treats and pets which he gave, a soft smile on his face.

He pushed the door to his stall open, looking at the stuff spread out as if he was an outsider. At his bed of hay with the old horse blanket on it, the wooden boards he used as a table. He was the chosen one. he was, It wasn't Nora, and he was never coming back to this place.

His bag now slung on his back he quickly put Lumières bridle and back blanket on slipping the small brown mule the left over treats at the animal begging, as if the world was just the worst place and the treats would make it better.

Leading Lumi back to where Nora still stood looking oddly uncomfortable he started to load up Noras bags before she could tell him to in her stupid airy voice that seemed to perfectly represent her and her life.

And so their journey started, the 2 teens under the star filled sky. Both complaining, and miserable but internally looking forward to what was to come.


Siles hadn't slept at all during the night, sitting outside huddled under his cape instead staring out at what was once the lake, trying to decide if he was right or not. He thought he could be, it seemed so likely and a part of wanted to be. He wanted to ask someone to confirm it, but his Mother would laugh at him, maybe Annlen. His sister always seemed to know what to do.

As that very thought crossed the mans mind a dragging sound startled him causing him to look up seeing the door to the small house opening and his sister coming out the door, a small bucket in hand. The dark haired man leaped up pushing the hair tickling his face and blocking his vision to the side only for it to fall back seconds later, walking towards his sibling with a friendly but not overly happy expression leaving a trail of feathers behind him.

"Ann can I talk to you?"

"If y'a can walk and talk go for it. Something wrong Si?." The woman asked her rust coloured wings rustling around in the wind as she walked Siles falling into step beside her as the duo started Annlens daily walk to the well.

"I'm unsure of if somethings wrong. Yesterday a lot of people told me odd stories i haven't heard. Ever, and with how much people talk thats odd." Siles said trailing off not wanting to say the next part as now that he was to propose the idea it seemed so stupid.

"I think I've been chosen to bring the city back to what it used to be. I think i'm the chosen one like in stories." He said at Ann's questioning look after not speaking for a moment looking rather flustered to have shared this his wings poofing up the slightest bit as he crossed his arms.

"Well, that's not what i expected. But i trust you kinda, so if you really think this. I'll do my best to help. I can tell ma you needed to like go help a friend. Not that you have many. You can take my adventure bag that's been prepacked for stuff like this." She finally decided spoke after reaching the well, filling up her buckets and starting back towards the house more purpose in her step. Her baby brother was the chosen one. She was the slightest bit bitter she wasn't.

"Take care of yourself baby bro. You're going to do great things. Or you'll be a fuck up and the laugh of the town but either way it's an adventure. Remember how much we wanted those as kids." Annlen stated sounding confident as she handed him the leather bag covered in pockets, with a blanket strapped to the bottom. Siles took it with a grin undoing and doing up the straps so it fit over and under his wings.

"Thanks Ann." He said grinning all of a sudden as he drew her in for a hug before starting to jog away his pace slowing soon after in the already blistering heat of the sun.


that took longer to write then i thought. apologies. time management is not my strong suit lmao

nora is still being nora as
you can see.

what are peoples thoughts on the characters so far?

siles seems to have a pretty supporting family, think it's just his big sis or the rest as well?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2020 ⏰

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