13. Understanding

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Sunday my mom worked the morning until around two in the afternoon, then after she came home we went out for ice cream, and came back with my favorite Chinese food, and watched movies and talked.

"So, I left it alone last night because I didn't want the weekend to be sour," Nina's mom said after the third movie was over. It was almost midnight. Nina stayed silent, but gave her full attention. "Look, I don't mind that you're dating," she continued and Nina decided to wait for her mom to find the words she was looking for. "I feel like he's probably trustworthy, I just feel like he's too old for you."

"Is he about the same age as dad was?"

"And I was your age at the time, yes," her mom nodded, frowning. "I hope this doesn't turn out to be the same thing. You say it won't, but you weren't there while it was going on with me."

"I could tell you some weird things that have been happening, Mom," Nina said slowly. Her mom raised an eyebrow. "Just... really unexplainable things. We kept running into each other, I've learned a lot from him already, and I can tell you for sure he's not just looking to get into my pants."

"I gathered that, since you haven't kissed him yet."

"He hasn't made a move to go for that, either," Nina added, her mom nodded. "I mean, I imagine we're just not serious yet, and maybe it's me because it's not like this is something I'm used to, either. I've had boyfriends my age and they've always been about one thing, and that's sex. It isn't like I haven't done it before-"


"Mom, seriously. Most kids around here have had sex by fifteen, I didn't do it that early."

"So, when?"

"Now you're getting personal."

"Well, you brought it up," her mom teased. Nina rolled her eyes.

"Alright, it was after the prom party," she sighed.

"With that kid you were dating?"

"Well yeah," Nina blushed, rolling her eyes.

"So that's why he looked at you weird when we were ordering ice cream!"

"Mom! Yes! Now stop it!"

"So, why'd you leave him?"

"I have plans for my life, he's still here with not even half an idea what he's doing."

"So you want a guy who's going to do something with his life?"

"Or is trying, at least."

"No, Nina, that's a good thing. At least you know certain things that you want in a guy," her mom smiled at her. "Seems like this guy might be keeper, since he seems to have things together on his own. Hopefully he knows how wonderful you are, and appreciates every part of you. You're good looking, that's all I'm saying, and I don't want someone who just wants you because you're pretty."

"I don't think that's at all why he's attracted to me," Nina smiled. "He knows I'm serious about my life, too. He knows what I want, and he wants those things for me too. I was serious about what I said yesterday, too, Mom. If you want to travel around the country, you should. I can get a job and keep my grades up. Just means I might gain a little weight," Nina laughed. "I spend a good amount of time at the gym and outside, so work would put a damper on that. It's not something I can't do, though."

"Tell you what, I'll just fund your first year, then you work for the summer and save money so you only need a part time job in the fall for school. Deal?" She asked and Nina nodded. "I think that's fair. Maybe I will travel, who knows."

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