chapter 1 - who are you? (watch it)

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- age is 68 (still a kids!)
They girl's were in the woods looking at flowers  and listening to the birds that sang a song. The flowers were lovely coolers and vary pretty.

They live in a little cottage hide in the trees. It was a round and it was made of things then need for protection,warm,and shelter for ran so they don't get colds. And next to there home was a lake a cristal clear water and the water shimmers when the sun hit it. The fish did not run form humans or any thing. The trees were taller the red wood's older the red wood's. The trees were a mix of coolers mix with blue white and red and yellow. The grass what a pleasant Green. All animals live in harmony. The meat eaters ask to eat the old and when one dies the animals give the skin to the girls to make clothes and blanket. When winter comes the girls go around and put the blanket on them to ame sure they stay warm and they give the extra meat to the meat eaters.nThey animal show the girls how to hunt wild animals,kills they animals said. The animals thought them to heal,fight,and the usual things to know.

The girls love there home. They have never bin past the trees.
Till they meet a brown wizard who was all so fond of animals.
He changed they lived for ever

The brown wizard never told his name neither the girls. He introduced them to a friend to them grandalf, grandalf the grey.

-hey papa how are you?
- It was great my dear Anne.
- Papa Rose is making dinner what some?
-yes lucy tell rose to add a extra plate to that list.
Rose was a master in every thing except talking and emotions.

- thank you dear I am vary sorry I have to go I forgotten I have a meeting with some people...

- It ok papa when will you see us again?

- hmm. You could come with me.....

-Wait really!!!! I will go tell Anne and rose! Thanks you thank you!

After lucy ran to her sister. The pack something's like, clothes,food,water,there bows, arrows,daggers sword.
They ran out side and walk through there home unaware that it might be the last time they see it...

| at riverdale

Grandalf explain to the girls to wait. So they wait.

As they wait they seen horses  and men,dwarfs,elfs,men.

Grandalf  walk out of the building.

-girls follow  me.

The girls did as told.
Rose only  listen if it is important or it coming from grandalf.
Know the 3 girl were sit behide grandalf stone chair.

- friends of far and wide you are summe here to this meeting to answer the treat of  isengraud.
Frodo bring forth the ring.

As the small hobbit put the ring on the stone pedestal.
He walk away back to his seat next to grandalf.

b-a Gift. We should us it agents him! Give the ring to gondor.

-you can not us it. It has one master and that is not any of us.

-and who are you STRADER.

- this not a strader he is Aragon son of Aragorn the second.
The Right full king!

- gondor does not  Need a King

- sit down legolas.

Lagolas sat down. And so did boromir.

- The ring must be distorted.

- then let be rid of it all ready!

He swon his Ax and hit the ring. His Ax shatter in many tiny pieces. And he fell back to the ground. The ether dwarf went and help him up.

-  we cannot destroy it with any of our possession weapons of any kin.

- One do not simply walk in Mordor. The watchfully eye never sleep the evil. not and army of a thousands could did that!

- Have you heard nothing. The ring must be distorted.

- And you think you a elf should be the one. never trust a elf!

Then all kind were yelling even grandalf  but one little hobbit was not. Frodo.

- I will take.

Grandalf head this and look full in his eyes. They he...


Every one got quite. And they again  Frodo spoke...

- I will take the ring to mordor. but I do not know the way....

- then my friend I will lead only if you carry the burden and you alone.

- you have my sword life or death I will protect you.

- you have my bow!

- And my Ax.

- Frodo not going any were with out me!

- it seem we can't seperat you guys even in a secret meeting.

- we coming to!

- you have to put us in potato sacks and bring us home!

- so this is the fellowship of the ring?.

- no.

- hmm grandalf?

-  I have some friends I wish for you you to meet.
Come out.
Anne, lucy and rose crawl out form be hide his chair.

-  these are the girls  I have told you about.

Boromir look at the girl and look shock.

Legolas new if grandalf seen something in then they can be trusted.

Aragorn new them all ready he seen a foot behide grandalf chair but said nothing.

Gimle was confused.

Frodo just look at the girls the look like hobbit and elf a mix!

-these are the ladies of the Wood's.

- your saying that the woods that ever one was scared of was because of these little Girl's ?

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