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You both stood there in a momentary silence just staring at each other. You'd never seen such bright red colored wings. You stared in awe at this messy blonde haired man, he was dressed in traditional foreign clothing nothing from this town. The way the tunic was woven and the beautiful jewels that adorned him it was obvious he came from a desert area. He radiated like the sun, that shone brightly through the day so bright you couldn't look at him but when the lights when out you could truly see how graceful he was. His massive big wings extended out, feathers ruffled, an obvious sign he felt threatened. His hand was still wrapped around your wrist. His eyes scanned your face peering right into your eyes.

"What do you want?",he spoke keeping his voice low,"Did they order you to do this?"

"I...",you trailed off your mind was still processing what was happening, you'd been caught of guard,"I did it out of good will."

"Why?",he spoke his tone cold as his eyes pierced through you,"I'm a stranger so don't get involved."

You awkwardly stood there he wasn't wrong but it seemed he was unaware of the situation,"I'm (y/n)".

His head shot up as he stared at you, without thinking your name eased itself out of his lips.

"(Y/n)...",he breathed out as he composed himself, he sighed and snapped,"I don't need to know your name."

"Nice to meet you too",you smiled softly as his grasp on your arm softened until he finally released you.

"Get out those men are dangerous, they could-",you interrupted him

"I'm aware",you replied massaging your throbbing wrist

"No they aren't just any regular men, listen to me kid-",

"I know who they are",you spoke your voice sharper making him stop,"I've been on their trail for weeks, I knew you'd stop here, I was only unaware they'd bring you."

"You planned this...",he mumbled in disbelief couldn't understand, your eyes were so pure yet you were already involved in this dark world.

You began to talk about to explain when a sound outside made you tense up. Without a moment to spare you through yourself under the cage. His head shot up towards the door, as the man entered staggering as he made his way towards him. Grabbing onto the bars keeping himself upright the stench of alcohol reeking off him.

"You filthy bastard",the man spat as he groggly leaned against the cage bars

Hawks remained quiet shooting daggers into the man's head with his eyes. The man slumped himself down on the floor, his back against the cage. You tensed up, trying to keep your breathing down. You were on a mission per say, to catch those of the association that this man was involved in. You'd heard they used many killer machine to achieve all those deaths, but never expected to find something like this. You were unaware so far of what they used exactly for all the deaths but the symbolic red feather and this man's wings were enough to connect the dots.

"You bastard",the man suddenly spoke making you jump,"You bastard!",he yelled as he through a bottle of beer, it hit the metal bars exploding and shattering.

You slowly backed away further into the shadows. This man had been with the group he wasn't the leader just a lackey. To your surprise no one had been murder during the time there. The man stumbled and grabbed at the bars of the cage, now You could only see his dirt stained boots

"You monster, all your good at is killing",the man spatted out in anger

Hawks coldly cleaned up the spit on his face, never taking his eyes off the man. Though he couldn't help the fast hammering of his heart. He was worried this man would spot you, he was tired of the endless bloodshed.

How many? How many people had he killed that weren't even sinners? Fathers and husbands, mothers and future wife's, even kids. That's when he began leaving feathers, hoping those feathers would grow to be those people wings, that'd carry them away. Unlike his own that were tethered down to earth by the chains of humanities evil deeds. The man went on a ramble not forming real words as he slurred.  You slowly backed when the sound of metal falling filled the quiet air sending your body into fight or flight mode. Your heart sunk, your foot had pushed aside a wood plank that's been keeping a metal lid balanced. It bounced a few times and finally came to a stop.

"What the-",the man began but was thrown off as you got up and ran,"Hey you-!",a long red feather was set against his neck.

"I wouldn't if I were you",he spoke slowly into the man's ear as he pressed the feather further into the man's neck just enough to let a little

"Don't get cocky",with that the choker that had been around his neck began lightning up and unbearable pain courses through his body.

He screamed in pain as he stumbled back, barely standing as he grabbed at his neck. Yet he refused to back down even when his gaze was blurry and the man was nothing more but a foggy figure. He took a step forward barely keeping his body up right, as his eyes rolled back and he fell onto the cage floor his wings sprawled on the floor. The chains attached to his feet, and wings clattered against the floor. The last thing he heard were the screams of pain that slowly faded away into nothing.

He woke up with a start, his throat feeling dry and raspy. As his vision cleared he came to realize he was in a room. He was in a bed and around him were nothing except for a wardrobe, a table and a window. Forcing his body up he could see outside the window, the sun was barely rising and the streets were empty. However this town wasn't the town he'd found himself in before, the sound of a doorknob turning made him turn but that resulted in a migraine.

"You're awake",a familair voice to his ears could be heard as footsteps approached him,"Here have some medicine."

As the hand reached out towards him, red flashed before his eyes as he reflexively swung his hand. Sending the medicine tumbling to the floor. Silence filled the room, as he slowly turned and his gaze widened. You stood there a tray in one hand and the other hand was empty nothing but a a red mark where his hand had made contact.

"I guess I should've moved slower, I'll bring more",you spoke softly as you turned and exited the room.

"Fuck...",he groaned out as he massages his head, he hadn't meant to react so harshly but his fight or flight had taken over.

He touched his neck and froze, the choker was gone, there was only an empty space where it had been. His eyes watered, as he slowly flapped his wings and the feeling of no chains could be felt. He'd been freed, the chain's on him had been taken off. He stayed there and gazed out the window. Even when you came back he didn't utter a word as he took the medicine, even when you asked him if he'd like food. He stayed quiet.

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