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"Keigo?",you gasped out in surprise as he clung onto you, the lantern falling from your hand and rolling on the ground

"No don't walk away",He whispered softly into the crook of your neck, as he buried his face deeper

"Ok",you replied slowly unsure of your next moves or words

Your skin crawled, something was off about him. Not only the way he was clinging onto you but his voice. You stood still not uttering a single word as you let him hold on for as long as he needed.

You could feel it, his racing heart beat the way his hair tickled the back of your neck. The way he held on didn't seem romantic if not desperate for some form of comfort. It wasn't to long before you felt his body slowly detach from yours. His arms slowly and hesitantly pulled away, the warmth slowly fading as well.

"Mind..explaining?",You managed to ask as you turned towards him

He massages his head as he looked for the right words, he nodded to himself. He turned towards you, making you step back just out of reflex.

"Let me swear myself to you."

You stared dumbfounded, letting out a dry laugh You placed a hand on your face.

"I-Wait hold on. You can't just do something that important, especially to me!",you exclaimed

"I'm not sure what's gotten into me but I'm scared..",he spoke the last words softly,"If I'm ever going to be used again, I want it to be by you."

Oh Lord, you had so many things going on, now this? How you'd love to be that smart, strong fearless female lead but in reality you barely could make it through the day without breaking down.

Anxienty was your major issue, how you would like your over thinking to work while in combat but it only helped in making you doubt yourself. Oh and to not get started on how the others saw you as strong and fearless. How their minds would change if they saw the break down you had while in the bath.

Now here stood this man wanting to swear a loyalty oath. That wouldn't be a problem if it wasnt such a big of a deal. To swear it, it takes both parties to hold hands and a symbol will appear on both sides. If one side betrays the other or breaks whatever it is they swore on, the mark breaks. This sounds simply but it's not, the moment the seal appears are you not only physically bonded you are emotionally and mentally.

This meant your partner could have access to you emotionally and mentally.

No no no You massages your head wanting to think of a rational solution.

"Are you scared?",he asked his voice closer this time making your head snap up

"Of course I am!",you snapped frantic,"Who randomly drops this on someone they just met?! You dont get it, you're asking me to pretty much give myself to you, haven't you wondered if I want to?!"

"(Y/n) please, you're the only one I can reach out to",he spoke softly

"We can't treat this as a pinky promise Keigo. This is something major, I am not stable for this. I am not strong enough for this. Maybe it seems that way because I let you out that cage but I'm not. I doubt myself and I hate myself",you rambled on

Truth be having someone want to have such a bond with you made you ecstatic but the problem was you. What would he think when he feels your hate and disgust for yourself. Or your self loathing thoughts.

He smiled softly, he softly took your hands into his,"You've saved me, now I want to save you",he gently brought your chin up,"I'll help you become the strong leader you envision in yourself."

You pulled your hands back softly, his expression faltered as the unspoken rejection hit him. You stood there and took a deep breath reminding yourself, you're the leader.

"I appreciate the offer but it's to high of a risk. I have many others who depend on me, I can't focus solely on you. Besides you're as broken as me two broken people cant fix anything",you spoke sternly but softened your voice,"but I hope we can continue fighting together."

He stood silent making you jump from one foot to another.

"Do I disgust you?...",he asked softly

"No Keigo no! Its just to soon for us to have such bond",you tried explaining

"Then if you don't hate me it's fine",he spoke raising his head a sad smile on his face

You stared and finally asked,"How long were you in that cage?"

He flinched as he stepped back,"I'm not sure I was still a kid between 7 or 8 years old."

Your jaw hung open, to think those years he'd been groomed into a killer. That explained everything, his sudden attachment to you. Growing up in such a toxic environment was bad so when someone nice came along he held onto them. Them meaning you, he was mistaking his own feelings and trying to hold onto your desperately, fear of abandonment.

"Keigo...let's be friends first, I'm sure some things have probably faded from your mind, but for now let's start easy",you spoke softly taking his hand gently,"This isn't an easy request. I'll head back first."

You wasted no time in bolting out of there. He stood frozen to his spot, his eyes glued to the ground as he tried registering the unknown feeling that was steadily growing inside him. He wanted you not sexually but just in general. When that bastard had disrespected your leadership such anger consumed him, he wanted nothing more then to rip him apart which he gladly did. He just wanted to remain by your side, to hear you reject him really sent him into overdrive.

Fuck..no calm down..let's do as she says and get closer. What if she doesn't need us?? What if she gets bored and throws us away??? Different parts of his brain were taking over making him think of any possible scenario that ended up with abandonment.

Sure he'd been taken at a young age and he didn't see an issue within himself, but when he saw the way your eyes held a distant fear at his sudden approach. It made him rethink his actions. He just wanted you, he didn't care whether you would throw him away but be wanted to be by your side. He sighed as he brushed his hair back, was it so weird? He'd heard others talking about showing your longing before its late isn't this what they meant?

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