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The trip was anything but easy with Keigo's grip tightening each time the horses moved to fast. As much as the idea of a handsome man clinging onto sounded nice, it was hard as It felt you'd fall off any second. It was obvious it wouldn't work after traveling a few miles, so you resorted to hiding him on the back of a trailer. Two horses were pulling it and a tarp was placed on him, he couldn't fly and it sure wasn't safe. The others remained quiet as the rode, each one a young kid barely in their teens.

"Pst! Hey..",Keigo poked his head from under the tarp.

You slowed your horse just enough to be able to talk to him,"What is it?"

"Where are we going? For all I know we've been riding nonstop",he pointed out

"For now we must get away far from here, now get back under the tarp",You sighed as you stayed focused on your surroundings

Nothing but endless dry land. Each time the horses hoofs hit the ground puffs of dirt would build. You were all sweating from the unbearable summer heat. Not a tree or sign of live besides yourselves.

"Calm down captain, as long as my wings show we should be fine right?",he grinned

"Tch",you clicked your tongue in irritation, in truth the heat was really setting in and you were on your last nerve

"Hey I know I'm not one to talk but  why are they all kids?",he spoke softly his eyes roaming the faces of the others.

He had a right to be curious, you'd never imagine a group of teenagers to be the one aiming to destroy a group of terrorists. Damn even you wondered sometimes how You were even doing this. You should've been dead long ago but here you are leading them.

"These kids are what the saviors left behind, they're the kids whose families were torn apart",you spoke your grip on the reins tightening

"Why not dump them at an orphanage?",he asked as he leaned over the side of the trailer

"We might as well be sending off to die, orphanages will trick you into believing you're safe that they'll treat you fine in reality you're nothing but another way to make money",you spoke lowly to keep them from hearing,"These kids would've suffered way more then they already have, some of them I was able to save from a rough path."

"I see..."he trailed off, you gave him a side glance.

He was staring off, and his thoughts were obviously no longer in the conversation.

"(Y/n)!",Aizawa rode over his face barely visible from the white scarf he always wore, a bird perched on his shoulder.

"What is it?",you asked

"There signs of a big town more towards the East, we can head there. Visitors are known to go there, we wouldn't stand out",he said

"Wow I'd never take you for one to plan things",you teased

"I'm tired of being under the sun",he grumbled as he sped forward.

You all changed direction, you spent a couple more hours on the trail until seeing lights in the distance.

"Katsuki! Todoroki! Go ahead and see!",you called out as they nodded and sped off.

Those two were your strongest, both runawayss found in different places. Katsuki was always complaining about the other boy but worked perfectly find alongside him.

"(Y/n)!",Uraraka tossed you a pouch of water

You caught it and drank most of it. It was dark out and the air had cooled down tremendously giving you a break from the scorching sun.

"Its clear!"Katsuki yelled from far away.

"Lets go",the town was more like a giant city, even at night it was lively

People weren't going to be quick to notice a group of strangers arriving. Especially during this time, summer was about to end and there were known celebrations going on. People could easily assume you were there for it.

"Nice..",Keigo said as be gawked at everything

"Where are we staying?",Kirishima asked

"We know a friend",you grinned as you rode deeper into the city

You pulled up outside a giant tavern. The doors were open and decorated with flowers much like the other surrounding buildings.

"Ah! You're here!",a girls voice called out as a figure emerged from inside

"Nice to see you again yaoyorozu",You smiled softly at the girl, as she approached you

"I'm glad Mr Aizawa sent a falcon in advance",she smiled,"Take the horses to our a stable! The cook has already prepared food!"

"Yes!",Kirishima grinned.

You did as told and placed the horses in the empty stables, giving them fresh water and hay.

"Hey kiddo, how you know that girl?",Keigo asked as he stretched his wings

"She's part of the group, her family has big influence here not to mention money. These saviors terrorize her father's clients and they don't mind helping us in getting rid of them",You explained as you finished unsaddling your horse.

"What her dad do?",he asked

"He's a well known merchant, believe it or not Yayorozu is really smart and because of that her father has built great machines which has earned him money",you smiled as you walked out with him following behind.

"I see, you're not that badly supported captain",he grinned, as he playfully patted your head

"I only do what I can",you mumbled,"Without them I wouldn't know what to do except mourn."

"I guess but what I see is a strong girl, you've come this far and even when you were fighting back there",he smiled softly,"Give yourself some credit."

"Hey..thanks for saving me back there, I never got to thank you properly."

"Don't sweat it, if anything I'd thank you. Had you not decided to help me I'd still be in that cage. So thank you..(y/n)".

You stared at him and chuckled,"Hey...it's dark out, You can fly."

"Hmm..",he tilted his head towards you and winked,"My captain hasn't given me permission."

"Keigo go enjoy the night",you said with a playful smile

"At your orders,"he bowed and flew off sending a gust of wind

You stared after his figure and silently went inside where the others were already eating.

"(Y/n)! I've prepared a bath for you the other girls have already taken one",Yaoyorozu said as she handed you a towel

"Thanks, I dont know I'd do without you."

"Its nothing, if anything My family should thank you."

You said nothing as you went to tbe upstairs bathroom, locking the door behind you. You let yourself slide to the floor.

Oh god..I almost died only when you were in company of just yourself did you allow ypurself to process and dwell on things.

They saw you as a strong capable captain, a strong person who acted when needed too. But they didn't know how many nights you layed awake thinking about how you lost people during your fights. They didn't know how many times you scrubbed away at your hands because the image and stench of the blood was still fresh in your head.

"Oh god",you whispered covering your mouth from letting your cries of help be heard,"I can't...I'm not strong enough."

Oh god how you wanted this all to end. But where would this kids be now? On the street robbing, being kidnapped and exported? Keigo would still be in that cage, he would still be out killing.

"No",you grinded your teeth as you forced yourself up,"I need to keep going, I can't break."

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