Chapter 3 Going home to New York

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Woke up feeling refresh I haven't had that goodnight sleep in forever probably because I didn't have any alcohol last night and I didn't go home at 3 am in the morning. Oh boy I have my arm on Isabelle waist and she have her arm on my chest and her head is leaning on my shoulder. I better move my arm before she wakes up I promised her that I will be a gentleman.

She looks peacefully sleeping, I moved a strand of hair from her face and tucked it on the back of her ear. She is a real beauty, I can stare at her all day long I am lucky that she asked me for help. I was smiling from ear to ear. then I felt her move and  looked into my eyes 

"Good Morning.. .. I apologized I didn't mean to cuddle with you.... she moved her arm away from my chest and move away from me and her face is blushing

" its okay I cuddled too.. no need to apologize and I promise that I will be a gentleman  but I failed ... and I gave her my killer smile..

"What do you want for breakfast?.. we can order something or we can go eat out... I don't have anything here in the penthouse I don't cook and its so much easier to just order something or eat out. 

" whatever you want to eat, you already helped me enough.... 

" its okay I am glad I can help you. By the way I am going back to New York tomorrow. you are more than welcome to stay here at the Penthouse as long as you like".. i offered

" you are leaving me?'  she looked at me with her sad voice and I can see tears from her eyes. 

I held her hand and my other hand I touched her face and wipe her tears with my thumb.. 

I don't know why I am saying this to you, since I just met you yesterday and don't know anything about you. I have this unexplainable feeling about you and  that I need to protect you, but I have to go back home or I will lose everything that I have. 

she just looked at me with concerned in her eyes.. and she didn't say a word. i was going to ask if she wants to go home with me but I don't want to scare her.

I was packing my stuff and I just got a call that the private jet is here and I am leaving in 2 hours.

Isabelle POV

I don't know why I trust this guy, he was so nice to me and asked if I am okay, and is willing to help me and when I looked at him in the eyes, he has the most gorgeous green eyes I've ever seen, he had light brown hair  and you can tell he works out he has a nice athletic body. he is about 6 ft. 4.  He is one handsome guy. I have never been attracted to the opposite sex before its different feeling, when our hands touched I have this explainable feeling. 

I am watching him packed his luggage. I don't know if I can survive  alone, I do not have any access to my trust fund yet and I have enough cash to last me for a week but after that I don't know and don't want to use my card or Lydia will find where I am at. I better think fast before James will leave.

"James, can you take me with you?  I asked and he turned around and looked shocked.

" you want to come with me to New York?.. he asked with his eyes wide opened and smile on his face..

" yes, I promised I will do anything that you want me to do, except sex I am saving that one for the one I love and will marry. I just need some time and I need to leave London..... 

" are you sure you want to come with me? why do  you trust me?... he asked in disbelief. should I tell him why I ran away or tell him I am attracted to him...

" probably same as you we have this unexplainable feelings that I don't know why.

then his phone ring....

James POV


" are you on your way to the private jet now?  

" still packing dad, I will be on my way shortly,

"James, you can't get away with this I expect you to be home tomorrow and you will come home to the mansion. You are not staying at your penthouse. you will stay at the mansion till you prove me otherwise"

That just makes me mad I can't even go to my place, I have to stay with my parents and that I will be monitored as a kid, then he wants me to find somebody I don't even know what love is and marriage but I have this weird feeling with Isabelle which I just met 2 days ago. weird.

" okay dad see you tomorrow and I hanged up.. 

" Isabelle you can come with me to New York but I have a proposition for you... she smiled at me 

" Anything you want me to do, so I can leave London... she said smiling... 

" Since my dad is pushing me to be a CEO and find a girl to settle down. will you be able to help me and this way we can get to know more about each other and probably figure out what the unexplainable feelings we have towards each other  .... 

" you want me to pretend to be your girlfriend?.. she blurted out and smiled. 

" yes, if that's okay and if not I understand you can still stay here at the penthouse if you want.

" I am your girlfriend... she said and gave me a hug..

that was fast she didn't even asked me any questions, she must really wants to leave London I hope she is not a criminal, but she doesn't look like a criminal.

We reached the airport and we are in the private jet. she was seating next to me. 

she was still very silent, but you can tell that she is relieved that she is leaving London.

" so what do we tell them, do you have any stories that we can tell them how we meet.. i started the conversation.

" what ever you want me to say that is what I will say. and I promise I will not embarrass you or do anything that will make you regret helping me.. she assured me

"okay how about we tell them that we met at a restaurant and the reason I was in London all the time is because of you. we've been dating for 6 months now.

" sounds like a good story to me... she said cheerfully, looks like she is warming up to me now....

the plane ride was quiet after the conversation. I still want to know why she runaway and why she wants to leave London, is she running from somebody, I need to find out...her passport shows Charlotte Isabelle Jones,22 years old. 

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