The Grandest Soul

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The entity opened it's eyes, the first sensation it ever felt. There was nothing. No color. No light. Not even black existed in this peerless never ending void. Experimentingly, it moved its existing optic organs back and forth, in complete 360 degree paths that swathed through the nothingness. It pried open it's jaw just below a protrusion that stuck out from in-between it's eyes and felt the ability to move it's heavy tongue which it battered against solid teeth. It's eyes slowly settled and stopped from it's futile motion resigning to rest and everything that ever was, once again laid still. Within moments, a firm cool feeling slowly applied pressure to it's forehead and without warning, a miraculous feeling swept over the corporeal being. Suddenly it felt the whole of it's own given form. Colors unimaginable swirled onto a form resembling that of a thumb, then a hand, and instantaneously, a full creature standing before the being. The colors flooded the darkness and light was born in this bleak emptiness. The being felt completed by the new touch of warmth given by the strange power that had found it floating. In the first language ever spoken, far from understandable to that of a human the power began to speak and the entity understood.

"To you who is and is all in this place I've created. I give to you the power to shape it to your will. You are me, for a portion of my soul I have gifted onto you." The creature turned from it's colorful never ceasing state, Into a full bright red as it pulsed power in all directions with a wave of energy following the length of it's arm still pressing against the entity's forehead. A burning heat rang from the entity's body in response creating the very passage of time.

"Existence is in motion and you are the single center of it. I have done everything there is to do. I have tried every possibility except for this. You will be our next experiment. I will return again and until that moment do as you please with the soul I've given you." And with no further word the Allpower was gone. With it, it's light. Although, not everything seemed to remain the same. It's eyes no longer felt the heavy film of nothing that came from moving in the absence of time. It remembered the shape it's creator had provided it. Two slender arms. Two lengthy legs. All four of which could be bent in the middle most section. A form that to us, would resemble mortal man.  It's soul beat in it's chest reverberating existence around it. Every thud overwhelming the newly born creator. It took time to adjust to this beating but eventually, they settled and with clear mind began a goal.

Beneath the creator a floor formed of solid white matter to which it planted it's feet. They stood, and with new found confidence in their power inhaled the empty space, and breathed life into the newly imbued universe. Attaching a portion of it's gifted soul to the dead space it inhabited. Light, and warmth based on that of which the Allpower showed to the creator was born anew. It peered from end to end, at the beautiful, unimaginable splendor of what is now everything. Galaxies, stars, planets, and more littered the space. The creator peered at it for moments longer before an unsatisfied expression fell across it's face. It grabbed a star in the palm of it's hand and sat it uniformly next to another. Then did the very same with another star. One star became two, two became three and eventually the creator was frantically placing handfuls of stars in neat order until of course, there were no more stars to place. It rested it's elbow in the vastness of space like it was an arm rest and thought to itself. And it thought. And it continued thinking. It thought until it was only thinking about how bored it became. All of what the creator knew was what the Allpower had showed them. What else could be done? It was then that they realized their was one thing the Allpower never showed them. It was themselves.

The creator pressed it's hands against it's face, feeling the inclines and declines that formed it's shape. If the Allpower created them by gifting a portion of it's soul, could the creator do the same? Its hand rose passing through it's neatly ordered star maze and touched it's beating soul. It clenched it's source and a feeling it yet experienced overwhelmed the creator. A searing pain as it's soul tore in two. The process was slow, wrenching and torturous, but the being was unwavering, determined to follow the steps of it's master. Violent rays of light were thrown into the universe as now only tendrils of energy connected its soul together. With a final tug, a massive pulse of power was released into the surrounding stars once more displacing eons of work.

The second soul fluttered in instability and the first soul peered close into its radiating blue aura. "Hello, I am your creator." It looked inquisitively at the sparking orb, completely devoid of expression. Tilting its head it moved its face closer. "You're probably wondering why I created you I'm sure?" Still there was no answer and the First became frustrated, now it's face contorting into a frown. "Hmm. I'm going to leave to your own devices, but I will return." It echoed into the universe taking several steps backward. It watched for a few moments. Then it sat squatted with it's knees to its chin. Just waiting for the Second to do anything. It's focus not waver after the will it took to divide itself.

They sat there tapping their toes one by one looking at the new soul and then back to the universe. Maybe something would happen if they weren't watching. After all, how could they know unless they tried? It jumped back to its feet suddenly struck with an idea. Waiting was far too boring, but doing, doing was bound to be way more fun. Reaching out with its hands it grabbed the severed soul and began manipulating it to as close as it could to its own form. Dragging and pulling in long motions to fit the proportions of itself. After much work, the first stepped back once more and the seconds eyes finally fluttered open. Its pale glazed pupils fell for the first time onto a wild grin.

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