Chapter Two

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 Back at my apartment, I continued sending resumes to companies who were hiring. At this point, I didn't care if I got a job as a janitor. I was desperate.

Then I see an advertisement, "Earn money by translating."

I clicked on it and it directs me to a site of a company. " Looking for someone who is either bilingual or multilingual. "

I was nowhere qualified for that job because I only speak English but I still looked at the requirements. It seemed easy: Translate for paperwork, meetings, etc.

I stopped myself, "what am I doing?" I thought to myself.

I'm not even bilingual. "But, I did take Spanish for my sophomore year in high school." I further thought.

I chuckled and brushed it off. I practically failed those classes and I only remember, "Hola, gracias, amigo, and baño."

I was desperate for a job. After further thought and deciding that it wouldn't hurt to add that I had Spanish classes in high school, I added it to my resume.

I thought some more. I sent my resume in, "They won't hire me anyway, what's the big deal?"

I was in for a surprise.

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