Story pt. 21

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(Y/N)'s pov:

"God damn it." I said laying back on my bed. "I'll finish you later babygirl." Heather said as she softly kissed my thigh. I whined quietly. "I don't wanna get up." I whimpered. "I know sweetheart. When Mac leaves I'll finish you and you can take care of the throbbing mess you made between my legs." She said softly as she sat on my lap. I gently bit her neck and sighed.

 "Hurry up!" Jason yelled through the door. Heather sighed and kissed me. "Ugh coming!" I yelled. Heather got off my lap and put on her panties and one of my big hoodies on. I sighed and rolled out of bed "gracefully" landing on the floor. "Ow!" I yelled as I landed on my back.

 "Don't strain yourself trying to get up." Heather said. "Oh shut up. It's your fault my legs are killing me." I said. "I can't help it if I'm fucking addicted to you." Heather said as she fixed her hair. "Get dressed." Heather said looking at me in the mirror. "But my legs hurt." I whined. "Come on cutie don't make me treat you like a baby." Heather said. Heather walked over and looked down at me. "Come on." She said softly. "But Heatherrrr." I whined. 

"Such a baby." Heather said before picking me up and carrying me to my closet. Heather threw one of her shirts on me and grabbed some shorts. "Do I need to dress you like a child?" She asked. I laid my head on her shoulder and sighed. "You're lucky you're cute." Heather said before holding me with one arm and put the shorts on for me. "Thank you." I said quietly. "Mm your welcome baby." She said as I kissed her neck. 

Heather kissed my head and opened the door. Mac and Jason came inside as Heather sat down with me on her lap. She slowly wrapped her arms around my waist and kissed my shoulder. "What's up Mackie?" Heather said softly. I shivered as she felt my breath on the back of her neck. "I... Well you know how Martha hates us. Mostly me and (Y/N).." She said quietly looking down. "Yeah I know Mackie." I said as I shifted in her lap to look at her. "Well recently she's been.... Uh.. You know.." Mac trailed off. "Know what Mac N Cheese?" I said. "Martha is..she's bullying me." Mackie said softly. 

"Jason go take a hike." Heather said. "To where?" He asked. "Off a cliff boy. Ghost Boy." I said. Jason nodded and left, closing the door behind him. "Mac why didn't you tell us?" Heather said. I noticed the change. Heather is pissed. I felt her tighten her arms around me. "I didn't w-want to bother you." Mac said quietly. "Don't lie." Heather scolded. "I-I..." She gulped and looked down. 

"I thought no one cared." Mac said quietly. "Mac we care about you." I said. "Do you? You're with each other 24/7, you two are practically glued together we haven't even gone out to party or drink. For fucks sake I'm even starting to miss Date Rape night." Mac said. "Mac what's really bothering you?" I said. 

I asked even though I already knew. She hates that Heather and I are so close and her and Ronnie aren't. "I hate you!" She said suddenly. "What did yo-" "Don't." I whispered softly. Heather sighed. "I hate how in love you two are! I hate that Veronica is too shy to hold my hand! I hate how we don't go on dates. I hate how everything changed when we started dating and yet nothing changed for you! I hate you! I'm more jealous that Duke is!" She yelled. 

I sighed and leaned against Heather waiting for Mac to tire herself out. "I can't fucking stand it. Ronnie doesn't even kiss me! She's...She's just.." Mac slowly gave up. "Are you done now?" I said, tapping my foot impatiently. "Hurry this up Mac I have better things to do." I said calmly. "See! You don't fucking care! Here I am spilling myself to you and all you can think about is Heather!" She yelled.

 I knew what I was doing. Pissing her off on purpose so she gets everything out now so I don't have to do this again. "Mac grow up." I said. "(Y/N)!" Heather said hitting my arm. "Would you relax?" I said as I got off her lap. "Stop throwing a hissy fit Heather Mac." I said. Mackie looked up at me, crying softly. I walked over to her and bent down, wiping a tear from her eye. "Better?" I asked. "Y-Yeah." She said softly. "Good. I'm sorry I was mean." I said quietly. I wiped her eyes and sighed. 

"We'll take care of Martha... and I'm sure you have questions about Jason." I said calmly. "W-what is he? Mac asked. "He's a ghost." I said. "But it's a secret. You cannot tell anyone else that Jason is still around okay?" I said as Mac hugged me. I sighed and hugged back. "O-Okay." Mac said. "Are you okay now?" Heather asked walking over to us. "Yes.." She said. "i-I'm sorry I said t-that stuff about y-you guys." She said quietly. 

"It's okay Mac. Every relationship is different. Not everyone is going to have the touchy feely relationship. It just depends on the kind of person you're dating. Ronie isn't very... well experienced when it comes to dating or love." I said. "I..I just." She lost her words as she sobbed softly. "Hey babe..can you give us a second?" I asked softly. "Yeah of course." Heather said before kissing my cheek and leaving. 

I sighed and gently pulled Mac to the bed. "It happens sometimes you know? New relationships are hard even more so when you're learning to go from 'friends' to dating. It's hard." I said softly. "How would you know?" She asked. "Because I've been there. The first week or two of me and Heather dating was...well new. You have to adjust from no affection to lots, you have to share, you have to communicate with each other. Whenever we have problems we don't hide it, we tell each other what's wrong and work through it. It's not always rainbows and lollipops with us Mac. Don't get me wrong everything with me and Heather is fucking amazing, but those first weeks? Those are the hardest." I said quietly. 

"What was it like?" She said softly. "It was weird. Heather was a bit awkward with affection because most of the people she dated didn't really care about her. Those first weeks are vital, you can't just jump into an relationship and expect it to just be magic right away. You have to put the work in." I said quietly trying to keep Mac calm. "Have you..uh.. Have you asked her on a date.. Like maybe movies to your place?" I suggested. "Movies?" She repeated. "Yes movies. Something simple so there's not a lot of talking but you're stil spending time together and you can find common ground in things you like." I said. 

"I-I never thought of that." Mac said. "One last little secret. If you don't know what to say when you ask her out.. Write it down, then play it out loud. And when it sounds right you say whatever you decided on." I said. "How do you know that?" Mac asked. "Because I spent days in my room writing short poems for Heather, I spent hours talking it out to myself. Hell I spent years planning out how I'd ask Heather out and you know what?" I said. "What?" She said. 

"Sometimes the best thing to do when you don't know how to ask someone out is just be direct and swallow the hard pill of maybe it won't go as planned but at least you tried." I said smiling. 

The Demon Queen's Love pt. 2Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora