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2 years later..

so kentrell still lives in the house , joliece doesn't even want to step foot on the property and the twins are now one.

on his off days kentrell usually calls and check up on jolice and the twins but today was different.. its like he's up but he couldnt get out of bed his eyes were closed and he was imagining or "dreaming" his soon to be wife and kids dying in a car accident .

he felt like it was sign  but he didnt know or how they kept reocurring . it was normal for kentrell to keep getting these dreams it happens almost every month it happened so much that he told joliece  she of cource wants him to get out of the house but he wants to stay he told her " if i paid all this money to stay in this house even if it has bad spirits imma stay cause money dont grow on trees love" 

she knew she coudn't convence him but she did every chance she gets she didnt care if she was annoying him she just wanted him to leave the house its packed with evil spirits and he's gonna get seriously hurt if he doesnt leave 

now she's thinking "what should i do..."

its been awhile so i made this chapter short..

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