Alone (Music)

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(Guys it's Leo this more of Izuku playing music and singing since he know how to sing and play)

Izuku has been in school in a week he has been in his room lately just trying not to get angry but couldn't keep his anger in so much using his fire breath again in his room.

The rumors of uraraka cheating on Izuku spread like wildfire nobody wanted being friends with her and the person who cared for Izuku. from class 1-A Momo Yaoyarozu who fell in love with Izuku since the beginning and USJ and saving Eri but also saving her from a nomu not letting the nomu touch her and how Izuku never saw Momo in lewd way but a kind and sweet way.

Class 1-B the big sister Itsuka Kendo and troublemaker Setsuna Tokage fell in love with Izuku of how heroic and saved shoto todoroki in the sports festival and also he saved both in the training camp from the nomu but when they heard uraraka cheat on him there blood boiled knowing how someone could cheat on a amazing guy that is heroic, Selfless and a strong person that cares for everyone.

As Izuku was still in his room he decided to leave but not before leaving some CD's for Special People Momo, Setsuna, Itsuka, bakugo and uraraka.

A week past and nobody heard from Izuku or saw Izuku in school or class people thought he was in his room alone. Momo was worried so she knocked on his door but no answer she knocked again this time a little faster but still no answer so she made a key opening his door but was met with him not in his room but she was that there was a note she opened it and crushed her knowing her crush left

Dear 1-A

Well you must be wondering where I am well I've just left for some time alone but I will return but for right now everyone in class A and B please forgive Uraraka for cheating on me and also bakugo I have left a few songs so you can see what I singed there are few that are dedicated to special people in my life and also have recent songs I'll be back guys I love you all

Love Izuku

Momo went back to her friends and showed everyone the note and how he even said that he forgave uraraka and bakugo he left a song for us.

"Everyone let's see this songs that Izuku made  but first let's invite class B because this is other song is dedicated to someone from that class we will start with the one he made when he made showing his thought of himself" said Iida
"The song is called Would Anyone Care" "why that tittle"Kirishima said with a sad frown.
They waited when class B came in "So why did you guys invite us here"said the big sis of Class B "There is a song that Izuku made for that person"iida explained making everyone curious of who it is.

"Hey Guys it's me Izuku well this song is before I came to UA and I just wanted to say this has been the best year meeting all of my friends and the people I call family but this song represents the life I lived in before UA and what would had happen if I never did"

Would anyone notice
If tonight I disappeared?
Would anyone chase me
And say the words that I need to hear?
That I'm no burden
Not so worthless
Bent so much that I just might break
All consuming, so confusing
The questions that keep me awake

1A and B hear how he sang but with sadness making everyone question *What happen to our cinnamon roll* everyone thought not bakugo tho

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