Return of Hope Part 1

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Momo POV

It's been 2 months since Zuzu left UA and left the CDs for me two more girls I don't know why it got me mad that he was taking to them or making music for them besides me anyways just when time was passing by school has been going alright just with bakugo not being able to do hero work without his quirk. I've been hanging with the class minus uraraka because of what she did to Zuzu.

"Hey all of you get your hero suits on we're going to the USJ for rescue training with class B" Aizawa said only for the student to remember what happened last year when we got ambushed by villians.

Izuku POV

I've been training for the past 2 months I miss my friends but I also my them three with my dad (DadMight) I have gotten I few more quirks when I met thugs trying to rob a women.


Izuku was just training his body to handle more of One For All but also using fire breath to increase the power and using air cannon with Delaware smash AirForce (Izuku can use 75 percent of OFA) Izuku then heard a scream for help it was a grown woman about to get raped by 2 men I ran to help her by breathing fire at there way only to power up OFA and take her away but fire was shot back at me but I managed to dodged "So your trying to be a hero kid" Thug 1 said only to have his hands on fire, Izuku ran and shot an air cannon pushing them back but again air came back at him for the second thug having wind around him "You messed with the wrong person brat"Thug 2 said Izuku saw the women scared "Please leave I don't want you getting hurt" Izuku just smiled "I'm not leaving you because I'm a hero in training" Izuku was able to run on the roof and land with the women.

Izuku went back down to fight the Thugs, Izuku charged up 10% of OFA super Speeding behind them punched both thugs in the face sending the wall stuck "Wait now I remember aren't you the hero deku who defeated All For One" thug 1 said now scared "No I'm not deku I'm the hero who is going change this world and give people the spirit to keep going with or without a quirk I am the hero:Hope" Izuku said looking at the thugs that's when he knock them out "There quirks are amazing but they don't deserve to have if there going to cause problems" Izuku use AFO and red tendrils came out his fingers going into the thugs Izuku felt 2 more quirks coming to him once done he decided to try them out he activated wind manipulation and used it to make him float to the roof in order to see if the women is alright.

As Izuku made it to the roof he was met by the woman "Hey are you ok miss" Izuku said looking her "Yes I am thanks to you" she answered "Well I'll be on my way I'll take you back on the ground so just call the cops they won't be a problem anymore" Izuku said leaving while she just tapped his shoulder "What's your name" she asked "I'm Izuku Midoriya well see you later" he used OFA to run while they woman just had one thing in her mind *Isn't that the name of the boy my daughter Momo keeps talking about maybe I found someone to make Momo happy* she smiled.

—End FlashBack—

Back to UA

Everyone in 1A and 1B were getting out of the bus getting ready for rescue training but when they see take a look at both presidents from Momo to Itsuka and our trouble maker looking again sad *I hope I get to see Izu/Zuzu/Zuku again soon* Everyone in both classes knew they liked the cinnamon roll as for All Might hasn't really been smiling since he couldn't see his Successor/Son.

When the students and teachers got inside the USJ they were getting ready to train only to be met by a purple portal.

Everyone saw in shock that they were going to be attacked only to be met by Shigaraki and the league of villians with 2 Nomus and had freed Muscular coming out "So we meet again UA" he said just looking at everyone and teachers "So where is the next Symbol of Peace Deku" Shigaraki said only for muscular get hyped and yell "I want Deku I want to a rematch with him" muscular said surprising 1B that Izuku was able to match that guy" *Izu/Zuku went against a guy like him* though the Setsuna and kendo.

Class 1-A and The teacher got into fighting stance ready to fight only to be met by a green blur getting in the middle of USJ "Hey Guys sorry I'm late I knew this would happen so why not stop by" Izuku said now confident at himself.

"So Shigaraki and Muscular how you guys doing" Izuku said smirking "So the mighty deku came back to save his friends and teachers" Shigaraki said annoyed, While Muscular glaring at Izuku "I want a rematch this time I'll finish you for sure" muscular said said ready to fight "Sorry you league of Bitches but I'm not deku IM THE INSPIRING HERO: HOPE" Izuku yelled looking at the villians

Izuku looked back at everyone and just smiled at them while the three girls were happy there crush was back while ochawhore was thinking *My boyfriend came back for me* all izukus friends were happy to see him back.

"Guys I'll take it from here GET READY BECAUSE YOU MESSED WITH THE WRONG CLASS" Izuku said with venom powering up 85% of OFA and using His pyro also having his hand popping with explosions and wind quirk going around him just staring at the villians while everyone in UA just looking at Izuku with awe expression same for the villians for the first time for all the villians to feel one Emotion FEAR.

To be continued....

Quirks that Izuku owns

-Fire Breath-
-Air Canon-
-Wind Manipulation-

Sorry Guys for Updating late I really hope you guys enjoy and I'll see you guys in the next one Leo out🤟

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