Where Do I Stand?

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Angrily stomping her foot on the cemented road, Blair walked up to the driver and haughtily asked why the car had broken down... he mumbled something about faulty electrical wiring and left it at that, opting to rather try fixing it with achieving very little success. Gosh this was such a mess! She was supposes to be starting her first day at about 5:00 a.m looking down at her watch, seeing the time, and saying she had a near panic attack would be a huge understatement.

If Blair were to pick a trait that she hated in people it would be being late. Blair Waldorf was always on time for anything and everything she attended. So being late on her first day of school? That too a new one?( Yeah I'm pretty sure you can imagine her freaking out right about now). Her reputation preceded her and looking for trouble in her new 'school' without even reaching it, would be considered unjustifiable in her books. If she were to be true to herself, punctuality was not only her forte but also a suit that she enhanced or so was the conservative estimate of the outer world. Blair suffered from an OCD where being late to anything in general an event, function, party, date whatsoever be the occasion, would cause her severe anxiety which had lead to panic attacks in the past. She had tried hard to hide this fact from the on-lookers and had been triumphant enough, even if someone noticed this they let it slide as nothing or did not dare open their mouths simply because she was Blair Waldorf and being on her bad side meant only one thing and that was total social destruction.

When Blair was just a little girl she was delayed in attending one of her mothers fashion parades, Eleanor being Eleanor had called her out on that and labelled it as one of her 'flaws'. The way her mind worked and processed this given information was darker than any thought a eleven year old child should have been regarded with.

Over time and some grudgingly helpful therapy sessions, she was able to wear down her OCD levels greatly and realized it was nothing but a faceless fear ingrained in the back of her mind due to previous circumstances in her life. She wouldn't say that she had totally overcome it, because frankly, being late still did grate on her last nerve but the fact that she had confronted her fear and had been capable to move to such forward lengths was an ego-boost by itself to keep her going.

Receiving news that another car would be sent her way to drop Blair at the Admiral academy, relief flooded through her tense muscles. When the so said engine finally arrived, containing her fury on the situation, Blair gave a curt nod to the prior person in-charge of getting her to the assigned destination as an indication of departure before entering the new vehicle that awaited her.

Arriving late, she looked at the red bricked walls that towered over her, not only was she robbed of luxury, but also of the eminent infrastructure that surrounded her back in New York.

' Ugh! Why on earth is this guy feeling me up?! ' She thought.

Okay... she was possibly just being checked by the guard, but it wasn't like she was carrying any weapons to blow this place up, right? on second thoughts why hadn't she come up with this idea earlier? IF she was well heeled she could have gone through with this, then this place would cease to exist at all, then maybe... just maybe she wouldn't have to be here. Instead she would be sitting on the highest step of the MET and commanding her minions like she usually did. She was definitely letting her imagination get the better of her now.

Satisfied when granted access into the large iron gates of the academy, Blair took two purposeful strides on the land beneath her heels, Just as she entered faces turned in her direction. Oh how wonderfully coincidences worked for her! There she was greeted by a bunch of cadets (students who attended Admiral Blair presumed) wearing immaculate, tidy and pressed uniforms (they somehow made camo look like the most prestigious clothing ever worn by mankind and suddenly Blair's thoughts on it changed drastically) marching in what looked like a huge circle looking at the presence of a fictitious crowd,that happened to be where she had taken place by happenstance. She gave out a girlish giggle at the sight in front of her which came out sounding demure and sinful all at the same time. Ignoring the looks she received Blair simply followed the guard who was leading her to the headmistresses office.

A Queen Among Soldiers [Blair Waldorf]Where stories live. Discover now