The other students

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Christoph Ludenberg's form can be found in the chapter above.

Kirian kirigiri

Personality: kirian is obsessed with finding the truth, he hates lies and liars and he loves a good mystery

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Personality: kirian is obsessed with finding the truth, he hates lies and liars and he loves a good mystery. He gets some sort of almost sadistic enjoyment out of murder cases. He always seems calm and cold but that facade breaks to reveal both his dark side and his caring side
Ultimate talent: ultimate detective
Likes: mysteries, the truth, order, sweets
Dislikes: lies, liars, criminals

Satoshi Maizono

Personality: on the outside satoshi is all smiles and confidence and while he does have some insecurities, he never really finds himself dwelling on them

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Personality: on the outside satoshi is all smiles and confidence and while he does have some insecurities, he never really finds himself dwelling on them. He has a temper but he usually keeps it under control. He is a solo artist so he's used to working alone.
Ultimate talent: ultimate pop idol
Likes: music, performing, spicy food
Dislikes: sharing the spotlight, sour foods, tea

Kira ishimaru

Personality: a serious girl who doesn't get along well with most people

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Personality: a serious girl who doesn't get along well with most people. She acts cold but she's quite sensitive to other people's emotions. She's a stickler when it comes to the rules but she can be willing to bend them.
Ultimate talent: ultimate student council president
Likes: stuffed animals, order, rules
Dislikes: troublemakers, sour candy, criminals

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