Chapter 1~Monday

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Why is this happening? What do I do? There's no where to go! I thought as I quickly scanned the area in front of me. It was a trap the whole time! All I can hear is the sound of my pounding foot steps against the grassy ground beneath me. The heavy pelting rain soaking my whole being to the bone, my heavy breath fogging out in front of me from the cold...and the smell of gun fire.

What do I do? Where do we go from here?  I frantically looked around me, trees seemed to block every exit, all but a small gap. Two large trees had seemingly grown far enough apart to make a hole that would lead further into the forest. It's just big enough to squeeze through.

I can feel my heart in my throat, my tiny lungs gasping for air as I sprinted for that gap. How has everything turned out like this? Why did this have to happen?

"Come on hurry up!" I gasped out turning back to encourage her to move faster. We were running out of time. Just as I turned around though I stared in shock as I watched a pulled tear from the front of her chest shattering the crystal pendent around her neck. Her bright red hair flowing back wards from the wind as she fell. A sharp pain flooded through my right shoulder as I watched her fall to the ground.

"No!" I reached forward for her.

I flew up in my bed looking around alarmed as a buzzing sound filled my ears. Gasping and in a cold sweat I realised I was in my bedroom. I was safely in my apartment. It had just been a dream. Another nightmare.

Rubbing my blue eyes I tried to remove the image of the young girl I had seen in my dream. "Damn it..." I yawned before falling back on my bed. The buzzing sound still blurred in the back ground and was becoming annoying. Leaning over and turning off the alarm I checked the time half heartedly.

"so...tired..." I mumbled as I shut my eyes. A few more minutes couldn't hurt right? Just as I went to fall back asleep another sound broke out from my phone.

"why!" I almost cried. Sitting up I answered the annoying contraption.

"Are you up yet?" A deep voice spoke for my the other side of the phone.

"Yes..." my eyes were shut as I spoke.

"Really?" It asked sarcastically.

"I'm awake at the very" Rubbing my face I tried to stay awake as I spoke.

"Good, then get ready and get to school" I sat confused for a second a Sunday fully tried to comprehend what the voice had said. That was when it hit me like a time of bricks. I'll be late if I don't hurry

"Oh no! I really need to set that thing to go off earlier!" I started to panic as I threw my blanket off me.

I quickly dressed in the plain school uniform. A grey skirt and white shirt all pulled together with a blue tie. I hate ties they chock you if you do them up the wrong way. Making my way out the door with a bag of cereal hanging out of my mouth I pulled my shoes on to my feet. I hate school. Damn it why can't he call earlier to make sure I'm up!

As the bell sounded I made my way to the back of the class and quietly took my seat. I had managed to get to school in time to avoid being late. The class seemed to drag on and before long I was looking out the window. When is lunch? I just want to go curl up in the library and fall asleep, I'm so tired.

"So Miss. Nordell? Do you know the answer?" Looking back to the front I blinked for a second before randomly blurting the first thing on the top of my head out in surprise.

"Humm...square rout of Pi times 28?" I could tell Miss Gordon was astounded by my answer. Though I'm not sure that's a good thing.

"Miss. Nordell you are aware that you are in English at the moment correct?" I could hear giggles erupt from other members of my class. None of which even attempted to hide their amusement. Looking down letting my dark hair fall in front of my eyes a little I looked back up at my teacher shyly.

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