Chapter 2~ Monday

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"So how did you go last night?" Leo asked worriedly. We were both sat on the dark blue living room chair together. We had made hot chocolate a few minute earlier and the tv was turned down low in the back ground, though we didn't pay much attention to it.

"same as always" I played with my cup silently.

"You really need to find away to move past your fear of storms" Leo leant forward so he could see my face better. His dark hair moved silently out of the way of his eyes as he had moved.

"Easier said" I laughed without humour as I stared into my drink.

"I know, it's's not healthy how much you react" I could see the confusion and worry over my phobia with thunder storms. Most people were afraid of snakes or spiders...I was afraid of storms. That's that.

"There's also not much I can do...I just have to keep putting up with it. Ignore it as much as I can." I replayed as I looked into his chocolate brown eyes.

His sad eyes followed me as I turned away from him.
"I just wish..." I started but as soon as the words came out I held the rest in biting my tongue.

"yeah?" Leo pressed for me to continue leaning in a little closer as if it might help me open up. I looked up at him through my hair that hung over my face before quickly turning away again.

"Never mind..."

"Clem...?" his voice was oozing confusion and sadness but before he could continue Cyrus slammed the front door open.

"We're back! And we have the pizza!" He made a stance with his body to show off the box of delicious goodness his brother was carrying.

"we would have been back sooner if someone hadn't stoped to pat every animal we came across" Ruby held a pointed look at his brother accusing him of doing said thing. Cyrus began to pout almost as if he would cry from the heartless way his brother spoke of him.

"But it's raining! The least I could do for them is love them!" He shook his brother by the shoulder.

Leo and I look at each other confused before braking out in laughter at the siblings squabble. Cy turned towards the two of us confused as he tilted his head.

"hu? What did I say? What's so funny?"

Getting up from my spot on the couch I turned towards Cy. "nothing Cyrus don't worry about it"

After watching Ruby put the pizza down on the table I began to get excited. I only get to eat pizza when I'm over at their place.

"Food!" My eye zeroed in on the precious substance before diving for a chair at the table. As we all ate together Cyrus spoke up.

"I vowth Clem shall seekth the next foodth"

"Nai! Thy is guest!" I proclaimed against him.

"What? says who!" The shock of truth was plastered on his face as he fought back against my claim.

"The landlord!" I proudly stated knowing I had one this one. Cyrus desperately turned to Leo and his brother asking for help.

"Leo! Does Clem count as a guest! She has keys!" He pointed his finger at me forgetting the slice of pizza in his other hand. I happily munched on my piece of cheese pizza.

Leo turned to Cy as he finished what he had been wagging before he answered the little bananas question.

"yes she does since she doesn't actually live here" he stated before going back to eating quietly.

"oh that's such bull..." Cyrus started to whine but before he could get the last word out the brunette in front of me narrowed his light blue eyes on his brother with a glare that dared to be challenged.

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