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"What the he-" She spoke up as someone grabbed her from behind, putting their hands on her mouth to stop her from screaming.

They took her in an alleyway, and when they were out of sight from the early morning New York crowd her spy senses kicked in. She used her martial arts skills to easily get out of the mans grip, grabbing his arms so she can do her famous move, she threw her legs in his neck, spinning, taking the man down. She landed flawlessly and without even looking she tried to run away.

"Nat-" The man spoke from behind her in a soft and loving voice, but you could hear a little wince, it was obvious it hurt him how the redhead took him down.

The voice was familiar. It sent goosebumps down her spine, and she had this unexplainable feeling in her stomach she only felt when she was with HIM. 

It can't be. He was supposed to be hiding, he's such an idiot for coming to New York.

She slowly turned around, and what greeted her was a worried-looking, hairy Captain America. His blonde locks were now long and brown, and a thick brown beard covered his face.

"Steve? What the fuck are you doing here? You shouldn't't have come to New York. It's dangerous. Have I thought you nothing?" She almost yelled, while making her way to the captain. When she reached him she punched his chest in anger.

"They will catch you. You should be hiding. This isn't okay, they will arrest you."

Steve stopped her hands and then took her in a tight hug.

"Shhh.... It's okay Nat. I have it under control. I have Fury and Maria to help me. they blocked all cameras in the district. And the beard helps too." He let out a small laugh.

"You know I was up for days playing detective to find you. I was worried sick." She hugged him a little tighter. "So do I get an answer to why you're here?" She let him go and looked in his ocean blue eyes. Oh how she missed those orbs!

Steve took a strand of Nat's hair from her face and put in behind her ear. Her heart fluttered at the small but loving gesture. He started caressing her cheek and she couldn't help it, the feeling in her stomach intensified.

"We need your help. Clint and Sam got arrested. Ross took them to their facility in the middle of the sea. We need to get them out. I have the help of Bucky and resources from Fury, but what we really need, is you." Steve took a deep breath and looked her deep in the eyes. "Most importantly, I need you Nat. I can't do this without my partner and the guilt that you are in trouble because of me is killing me."

"I chose to help you Steve, This isn't your fault. And I would do it again because I believe in you." She smiled at him.

"Does that mean you're in? You'll help?"

"That was never a question Rogers. But we need to come up with a plan. And tell Bucky that his metal arm can still be noticed under that coat."

"Wha-... You noticed him?" he asked, shocked, but a wide and bright smile spread across his face. He was happy Natasha is helping him.

"I'm the worlds greatest spy Rogers, of course I did." She smiled and let out a laugh, letting the soldier go. "My apartment is just around the block. It's S.H.I.E.L.D. property, the government doesn't know about it. 2 bedrooms. We can lay low there for a few more days but then we have to start moving around or they'll find us."

"Okay. Bucky is in front of the alleyway standing guard. Let's go."

They both started walking towards the street, Natasha pulling her baseball cap in her face, and Steve putting up sunglasses and tightening the hood of his sweatshirt around his head.

"So what's up with the beard? No razors in hiding?" She joked, making Steve laugh a little.

"I think it adds character. You don't like it?" He joked, almost flirted with her. Natasha was happy they were back to their old selves, just having fun with their flirty jokes all the time. It was the thing that made their friendship so special.

"No comment." she laughed. Truth be told she liked the beard. Maybe even a little too much. It made Steve look more serious, not to mention hot. Yes, definitely hot.

They met with Bucky and took a side street to reach Nat's apartment building. Once they got in she showed the room to the boys, they put the small amount of stuff they had on the bench at the base of the bed.

"Go take a shower. Rest a bit. We will come up with a plan and a strategy In the afternoon. I will make the couch in the livingroom so one of you can sleep there, unless you boys want to cuddle at night." She winked at them, earning a chuckle from both Bucky and Steve. 

"It's okay. I'll take the couch." said Steve.

"Are you sure?" Bucky asked him.

"Yeah, of course. It's not that I could sleep anyways. My mind is reluctant to shut up at night."

Natasha made her way over her room, grabbing an extra blanket and pillows from her cabinet, and walked to the livingroom to make the couch. She arranged them to look a little more inviting to sleep in. After she was finished she decided to change from her running clothes. She put on sweatpants and a tank top, she liked to be comfortable at home. She was still topless when she heard her door opening.

"Hey do you mind-" Steve was taken back from the sight. He found Natasha to be the prettiest woman he's ever seen and to see her like that planted some inappropriate thoughts in his head.

"Geez ever heard of knocking Rogers?" Natasha covered herself with her top, turned her back to Steve and quickly put the shirt on. "What's up?"

Steve couldn't find words. He was mesmerized by her, he saw countless cuts and scars on her back and oh how he wants to know who did this to her, so he can hunt them down and make them pay for their actions. "I was..... I was just... I thought... Do you mind if I make some lunch for us?"

"No, not at all. I went grocery shopping yesterday, use anything you find."

Steve quickly rushed out of her room, trying to erase the picture of topless Natasha from his mind. He started chopping vegetables, preparing the food he was about to make. 

"I didn't know you can cook" Natasha came out of her room. "Do you need help?"

"You could chop the onions if you want. I always tear up when I do it."

"Aww, onions make Captain America cry. Who would've thought." Nat joked.

"You know what Romanoff?" He looked at her, both of them laughing. "Thank you." He started, taking up a more serious tone. "For helping. For letting us stay here. For being you."

"It's okay. I like being with you. And you can always count on my help Steve. Just don't come marching in my room without knocking. I might be using one of my sex toys and you're way too pure for that sight." She joked. She knew Steve was still uncomfortable from earlier, so she took advantage of the situation with pushing it a little forward, making the soldier turn red. She absolutely loved to tease him.

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