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Natasha woke up feeling warm. She opened her eyes and saw the super-soldier next to her, his arms wrapped around her. The feeling in her stomach instantly rose, she smiled widely. Steve looked so peaceful, Natasha found herself falling for the man even more.

But she isn't supposed to feel like this. Not for Steve Rogers. Not for anyone. She isn't supposed to love. Love is for children.

She got out of his embrace and quietly slid out the door, making her way to the kitchen only to be stopped by another man.

Bucky was occupying himself in the kitchen, trying to figure out how to use the coffee machine.

"Need any help?" Natasha asked.

"Thank god, you're awake. I didn't want to break the machine, but I don't have the slightest idea of how this shit works."

"It's okay Buck, let me do it." She pressed some buttons on the machine. "Look, you press this, and it tells you all the options you can brew. What do you want?

"An espresso, I guess. I have never tried anything else. Back in the '40s, we didn't have anything else and ever since I came back I don't know what to get so I just go for what I know."

"I could make you a latte, with a milk-foam bird on top."

"Why would I want a bird on top of my coffee? It's pointless."

"Just trust me. I have been practicing latte art in my free time. It's pretty and it tastes good."

Bucky nodded.

"Hey, do you know where Steve is? I thought he would still be asleep on the couch."

"Well... He slept in my bed last night. He's still snoring up a storm." Natasha didn't know why, but she felt awkward talking about it. She blushed a little and a small smile appeared on her lips, which she immediately masked with a cough.

"Oh." Bucky looked confused. "I didn't know you two were... doing it. But I see it now, there's always been this chemistry between you guys."

"No, we didn't... we don't have anything like that."Natasha was just finishing up Bucky's latte. "I had a bad nightmare and he came in to check on me, we started talking then we fell asleep. Trust me, there is absolutely nothing going on between us." She said the last part quieter with a sad look on her face. "Here's your coffee." Natasha sniffed and forced a smile on. She turned to the coffee machine to make herself a black americano.

"Whatever you say Romanoff, but I know that look on your face."

She sat next to Bucky by the dining table.

"How do you know about my so-called 'look'?" She asked, curiosity peeking up in the back of her mind.

"I don't, but I have some memories. From Siberia. I wasn't myself but there was this Russian girl. She was skilled, beautiful. A lot like you actually."

"So you think I'm beautiful Barnes?" She teased.

"That's not the point. She had blonde hair, she didn't let anyone boss her around. She was strong. We were together. She was the only thing keeping me with hydra when I first got there. Then I got brainwashed and it was over. I can't remember her name and that is eating me up inside. Thing is, she used to look at me the same way you look at Steve."

"And what look is that exactly?"


"Love is for children Barnes."

"That's exactly what she used to tell me."

Natasha was about to open her mouth when the door behind her opened and a messy-haired, sleepy Captain America walked out of her bedroom.

"Mornin'." He yawned and walked straight to the kitchen and poured himself a glass of water.

"Morning bro. Did you sleep well?" Bucky asked him.

"Very well actually, I haven't had this good of sleep in forever."

"Okay boys, let's get ready to go then. We need to take off to go to the S.H.I.E.L.D. base in an hour so hurry up! I don't wanna be Ross in that one episode of Friends." Nat says, then goes into her room to get ready.

She only packs a few essentials. A pair of jeans, a few shirts,  a sweatshirt and sweatpants to sleep in, and her catsuit. She hides a knife and one of her guns in the backpack with several clips. She knows there are plenty of weapons at S.H.I.E.L.D. but just in case they get attacked, it's nice to have something to grab to fight back. She was taught to always prepare for the worst.

In only 45 minutes, all of them got ready and they were on their way to the abandoned warehouse where Fury and Hill are waiting for them.

"Where did you get this car?" Steve asked Natasha.

"A lady never reveals her secrets, Rogers. Eyes on the road." She ordered him. 

"How many times do I need to tell you to take your feet off the dash?" He asked seriously but smiling in the meantime.

"So bossy." She smiled back and took her feet off.

"Come on guys. Get a room. All this flirting makes me want to jump out of the car." Bucky speaks from the back seat.

"You seriously need help if you think this was flirting Buck." Steve told him

"Oh look who's talking." Natasha laughed. "You are the worst at flirting Steve! Quit giving advice. Hey Buck, if you want real lessons, go to Clint or Sam."

"Once we get them out, of course." Steve added.

The next five minutes passed by in silence, then Steve spoke up.

"Am I really that bad at flirting?"

"The worst." Nat and Buck said at the same time, then laughed.

"You don't need to flirt though." Bucky added.

"Why not?" Steve asked.

"It's just that you're... You're Captain America. Everyone loves you. They look at you and boom, they want to fuck you. Or you, to fuck them." Natasha said knowing that this will make the captain go tomato red.

Steve did blush, but then he swallowed and got himself together.

"Is that how you feel, when you look at me, Romanoff?" he smiled at her.

"I'm done with you two, I'm taking a nap." Bucky said.

After a two hour drive, they have arrived at the location Hill has sent them. They park the car behind the building and enter the small door on the side. Helacarriers, helicopters, planes, and jets welcome them. The three are stunned by the view. How could S.H.I.E.L.D. build this up in such a short amount of time?

"Nice to see you guys. Romanoff, I'm glad you decided to join." A deep manly voice spoke to them.

"My best friend is in need of me saving his ass again. How could I say no, Nick?" She smiled.

"Excellent. Let's go to the conference room, then. You might see a few friendly faces. And nice to officially meet you, Sergeant Barnes. I don't know if you remember, but you almost killed me two years ago." Fury said.

"Sorry about that, sir."

"No need to apologize. As I said, almost. Don't underestimate me."

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